Okay, misread or didn't take into account the export procedures. Following is the link directly for your Export question and GST in General:southsea wrote:Thank you for the info. I was hoping that GST would be like V.A.T in Europe,in that customers NOT in EU were exempt from paying this tax and that their wholsale suppliers were able to claim back all their V.A.T paid on proof of export paperwork.
You can claim GST back once you have proved the goods are out of the country, not until! and it doesn't matter if your a business or Tourist. Also if you are none residen of Singapore you can still claim your GST back, when leaving the country say before the 183 day period is up.southsea wrote:Thank you for the info. I was hoping that GST would be like V.A.T in Europe,in that customers NOT in EU were exempt from paying this tax and that their wholsale suppliers were able to claim back all their V.A.T paid on proof of export paperwork.
Yes it is possible but you would need a local director plus other factors. I'll point you to ACRA site. "Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority" as most anything you will need to know including the ability to register on line can be started from this site or www.bizfile.com.sg (related site that is crossed linked).southsea wrote:I am hoping to get my Entrepreneur work permit - but is it also possible
to open a company here should my application be turned down (which I
do not expect !!!) ?
Be careful purchasing on the internet in Singapore, because when you bid and win the item, the Singapore companies screw you! for GST. I have argued the fact many times, that it was an auction, and that I should only pay the auction price. the GST is the Singapores problem unless otherwise stated on the auction website at the time, that it is for export only.southsea wrote:Wow,thank you KSL and Staples... This is what I thought,if a normal
tourist can claim his 5% back at the airport then surely a wholesaler selling bulk out of Singapore should have the same allowance.
I was getting worried, because if I was not able to claim the GST back
it would affect my profit margins greatly.
Government guidelines are sometimes difficult to understand - so I thank you both for giving me a basic info.
I am hoping to get my Entrepreneur work permit - but is it also possible
to open a company here should my application be turned down (which I
do not expect !!!) ?
Footie interestedsouthsea wrote:Actually,that was post nr 4 ....so that makes this post nr 5 !!!!!
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