Most of them are just out to earn our commission. Fortunately, my trainer is a serious trainer, so I am force to be more disciplined
Many work on commission only, especially all the ones I know, and i would say, that is hard going, the ones that last are very dedicated to their job, for some it's their hobby, the problem lies with peoples personalities, on both sides, however, there is a job to be done, and excuses to avoid doing it, is a weakness in itself. it is better to find the happy medium, and complete the task,with the results, that are required, after all that's what one pays for.
If the results are not appearing, there are still many reasons to question, why not!
I do agree however, one needs to partner, with someone you can communicate with. I do believe trainers are very proud of what they do, and they should be, because it may be a hobby, but they have to produce results, with the gym, also, so they get a double wammy, from the punter and the gym, so please have a little sympathy here.
Most trainers should have enough experience to evaluate, the situation, the problem is, every trainer will evaluate it different, from their own expectations, at will genuinely expect people to make an effort, depending on the PT own practical experience, of himself making that effort.
There is a saying that respect is earned, and in my book that still stands! No problem cannot be worked out! I basically don't ever need a gym, but it's much more convieniant, and thats what i tell the salesman.
The difference is I need to train out of habitul training methods, not because i have enjoyed it, but there is some kind of love hate relationship, with pushing yourself to the limits.
One is of course looking for the highs, which 75% of gym clients have never yet experienced, and i don't mean with steriods.
We are all born to be different, our bone structures, muscles and minds are but the shell of the human body, and the spirit that haunts people down is good and bad.
One must feel bad, before you know what good feels like! that is lifes cycle, unfortuanately some people must go down lower than others. If you survive, you may come out of it a better person, or you may not even come out of the trauma.
before i do sign off, I would like to say, that i'm pretty well p----d, these Amsterdam beers are much stronger then the Danish elephants. Have a nice weekend!
SMS you must be my age or older, but really do you feel old mentally, what happend all of a sudden! 30 odd years, and all i've done is catch a plane or two!