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Post by niennaanarion » Tue, 30 Jan 2007 9:36 pm

really..? :shock: i havent read anything about that.. which country airline is that? EVA, never heard of it. of course politic is everywhere.. i did write that as well. hehe. but it sounds like a war more than a competition. i just dont understand why. im gona bring my AK-47 then.., smoke granate as well and be ready for a war and not to forget my bullet proof vest. bang bang bang! fire in the hole. kekeke
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Felma Panjaitan

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Post by xmischax » Tue, 30 Jan 2007 9:47 pm

hahaha! well, every man for himself! you better bring all that to protect yourself man! :lol:

eva airlines is from taiwan. you have to call stewardesses who enter the company earlier than you "senior" and you have to follow whatever they ask you to do. like even if they ask you to do their job on a flight, you have to do with no complains too..

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Post by niennaanarion » Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:09 pm

oo hey i just checked it on its actually a good airline hey, 4 stars.

btw.. when i went to spore i saw this huge spore girl image on the front page. read it.. and checked the website just now. its about whether we should retire the spore girl image.

here's the link

oo incase they delete it after sometime.. i'll just paste it here..


Following The Sunday Times' report, 'Is it time to retire the Singapore Girl?' (Sun, 14 Jan), a former air stewardess with Singapore Airlines has written in to voice her thoughts on STOMP.

This is the 29-year old former stewardess' email:

"I can't help but feel sorry for the Singapore Girl as I reminisce my flying experience with the carrier. Yes, the icon does need a makeover, a big one at that. All of what the articles have reported is true.

"Apart from the 4.5mths rigorous training, the stewardesses do have to put up with much preparation, discrimination and even bullying from senior crewmates. Most of the girls are on diets (for fear of being grounded if they gained too much weight) and the kebaya is a tad bit too fitting to begin with as it does border on sexual innuendos. Suggestive remarks and gestures from some passengers and even fellow crewmates is a commonality.
"Flying is not easy, the job requires energy, composure and physical strength. The more junior the stewardess is, the more often she is kept on her feet, the more she is watched, remarked upon and criticized by her supervisory crew. Stringent rules on immaculate grooming, impeccable timing and social decorum are important for teaching discipline, but the delivery of the reprimand requires reconsideration.

"The Singapore Girl icon has helped to build a great carrier but perhaps it is time to rethink on how the Singapore Girl could progress with the times.

"Preparation for a flight can take hours. Seriously, no passenger is going to care if the nail polish is not the correct shade of corporate colour, or if the stewardess is looking slightly fatigued after seven hours of flying (which isonly natural) or if her bun is not perfect.

"What does matter is collegiality, service without discrimination, clear articulation and to be genuinely interested in her passengers.

"Being a Singapore Girl is no easy feat; it is far more impressionable on young girls who are accepted into the airlines at 18 or 20 years of age. Not only is it time to re-evaluate the icon it is a necessity to take a harder look at the culture and the supervisory tactics that are just as dated in this age and time.

"For the record, I quit the airlines after one year with no regrets."


i duno about changing the uniform, uniform looks nice and i like it.
but i do think there should be changes in work culture. bullying and discrimination. we are adults and not in the junior high school anymore. i didnt even had seniority in junior. or highschool. all in normal standart. singapore airlines should think more and take care more of their stewardess. and by stopping this it would make a big number difference on Bond breakers, cabin crew will stay in the airline longer. and they shouldnt think oo whatever, a lot of people wants this job, lets just recruit some more.. i think they should be humble.. a good company not just known for its best but also they have to take care of their employees to last. or maybe im wrong. this culture has been for years and years. maybe its too late to stop it.. but im sure its not going to be easy. but it can change step by step. what do u guys think?
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Felma Panjaitan

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Post by xmischax » Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:25 pm

it`s the article we were discussing about earlier on in SIA Cabin Crew thread. sunday times, 14th jan. you wanna take a look at it? i scanned it into the pdf version for somke other members.

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