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Speaking From Experience...

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Post by gliny » Sat, 26 Aug 2006 11:03 pm

In the very first place, i never claim how experienced i have been in the industry. :) I'm just trying to make it clear to you that no matter how much cons there is in the airline industry. You don't have to make it sound so bad. What i'm trying to say is just be positive. And you make it like you're a sore loser not being able to accept what i've said. I left the job because i want to explore a different aspect of life. And it is an individual choice for me to choose what i want to do. And i've never told my ex collegues that i'm leaving for a cabin crew job as i don't think it is necessary to do so.

And if you seem so fustrated about all my comments, then i'm sad to say i'm sorry. I really do not wish to continue to talk to you in this manner in this forum any longer. Explaining to someone like you kinda raises my testosterones. :lol:

I shan't interfere in the way you look at things in future. I hope your 6yrs being an FA wont be in vain afterall. Good luck to you too toy. 8-)

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Post by toygirl » Sun, 27 Aug 2006 1:11 am

You're definitely either a fresh hire or less than 6 months experience and as expected, you are :) Welcome to the wonderful world of flying.

I'm not frustrated actually. I'm just sad for individuals who think it is a stress-free, la-la Cinderella, glam, politics-free simple, easy job. I assume you're not :) For your sake at least! :)

Okay, I admit when I first started I was like "Waaahhh, I'm so glam now eh!". See, even yours truly also thought it was glam when I first started.

Testotesrone high huh? - Plavt, get me that whip to tame him or emasculate him. LOL - Just teasing. 8-) Likewise explaining to someone like "you" makes me go "He's so lost... so so in la la land"

7 years have not been in vain - Helps out in my work a bit - with IMF coming and ministries sending MXs to play "host" but you do kind of regret to a certain extent if you're going realised later down the road that there is a limited life span for ladies in this line. (Especially with the asian carriers) :mad:

But seriously, don't sugar coat something when it isn't! :wink:

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Post by gliny » Sun, 27 Aug 2006 8:13 pm

Anyway, talking abt IMF. I'm rather glad i'm not involved anymore. That would really dry me out. :)

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Post by Nikki1166 » Fri, 08 Sep 2006 8:41 am

toygirl wrote:let's put it this way, some ppl have it easier than others. there will be nice ppl - trust me, i wouldn't have been able to survive otherwise. but some can be destructive. just be careful not to step on anyone's toes. simple advice. if you step on dynamite, you'll explode :)

i'll tell you what happened to me - one of my crew was really really nice to me - turned out later, he wanted to sleep with me. you get the picture. some "nice" ones are actually arseholes.

trust me - training will be the fun part - usually most get sick after 1 year and bond time over - resignation! think of it like going to university, when you enrol you full of excitment, after you in your final year, you can't wait to get out - same feeling for some.

you'll be fine, just remember, humility goes a long way. however, i have seen innocent cases when the girl is just too quiet and they think something's wrong with you. it's a balance. plus no offence, singaporeans then to be really @!##$!@#@#@# sometimes - i think its the competitve nature perhaps.

and yes - i know of some "lucky" girls who end up marrying the first officer - "lucky" - depends on how you view it.

it's like acting really - i act with my customers, i act with my crew, i act with the pilot. i act. once i finish my flight and head to my hotel, the show is over and i become my real self =) giggle, my girls and i always laugh thinking we all can win oscar sometimes!

now you know why many of the channel 8 artistes are ex-cabin crew! hahahahaha :P
I told my friend who's only flying for less than 2 months that her supervisor was nice to her & wanted to teach her job duties at 3am in her hotel room was because he wanted to sleep with her but she disagreed with me. Actually i doubt she knew what happened when she fell asleep after drinking with him. He could have touched her all over without her knowledge.
I heard rumours that pilots are very stingy when comes to money. Very cheapskate but still want to try for SIA girls. Is it true?

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Post by toygirl » Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:50 am

Pilots are stingy and want SQ girls! Wow - Don't say that aloud ever in training, at the airport, etc - You'll end up dead! :) Okay, I know quite a few stewardesses who married first officers, and a Captain. Stingy with money? - Okay, some pilots are nice, some have attitude - It's a interesting mix. But would I want to marry a pilot, probably not, because you got to have a lot of trust and that's not easy to do! 8-)

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Post by mikipi » Fri, 08 Sep 2006 10:43 pm

Hi Toygirl, it is refreshing reading the insights you provided on the cabin crew career.

Regarding the pilot part, may i ask. I had a fren (non crew, holding office job) who is seeing a pilot. They had known each other for years before becoming closer recently. She still had some reservations on having a local commerial airline pilot as bf and is in a dilemma.

How are the working rountines like bet. pilots with stewardess while on flying & overseas? Do they stay together in same hotel, go out together and having meals together? How many good pilots - as in fatithful to their wives & gf have you encountered? Only very few?

Heard stories of stewardess throwing themselves into pilot although the latter is married. How true is this...
toygirl wrote:Pilots are stingy and want SQ girls! Wow - Don't say that aloud ever in training, at the airport, etc - You'll end up dead! :) Okay, I know quite a few stewardesses who married first officers, and a Captain. Stingy with money? - Okay, some pilots are nice, some have attitude - It's a interesting mix. But would I want to marry a pilot, probably not, because you got to have a lot of trust and that's not easy to do! 8-)

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Post by toygirl » Sat, 09 Sep 2006 12:26 am

Well, the girls whom I know who married flight deck crew are cabin crew so the relationship component shouldn't be an issue. I also know a Korean non crew girl who married a Caucasian Captain. They seem happy. I also know of a pilot whose relationship is basically one sized and the wife is sad and bored half the time. I think it basically takes trust for both parties. I can't comment for all but I think it has to do with the notion that the First Officers and Capts are filthy rich and for you to get laid by them or marrying them is like winning lottery. LOL.

Depends on the airlines you fly with - some flight crew may stay in the same hotel or different hotel. But it really doesn't matter unless you plan on inviting them to your room alone!

I can't speak for all - but I know of married crew (cabin and flight) who have flings. I think when you're lonely or when you just want a meaningless thrust - Stuff happens. But we shouldn't judge it right? Sometimes when you're away from home, lust may overcome you? Anyhow, there are some really promiscuous people around and words do circulate! (Reputation = Gossip)

You are not obliged to go out with the flight deck - However if the whole crew are having a meal or dinner - You better join in because you may be viewed as the aloof or odd one out if you don't go.

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Post by mikipi » Sat, 09 Sep 2006 11:58 am

what you said is true, it takes a lot of trust for the pilot wife. But even with trust, i think my fren still can't help her mind go wild about what her bf or husband is doing overseas, since they (hubby & crew) are spending more time together than with his partner in Singapore.

Btw, is the wife or gf allowed to tag along with her hubby or bf pilot? Do you often encountered such cases?

I think it really takes a huge courage in knowing or having a commercial pilot bf/hubby. $$ isn't everything...

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Post by toygirl » Sat, 09 Sep 2006 9:51 pm

Differs on the company, some will not allow married crew to fly together on the same flight, best to check the current policy, also it has to do with the crew scheduling. Most of the time, you'll be operating different flights. Pilots and cabin crew are on different contracts as well.

For some girls, it's $$$$. Trust me, I've seen the type. You really can't blame them - if you see a gold mine that is attracted to you like glue - You probably consider it right?

As long as you know your hubby (well, I hope), then you have to have trust. Don't let your mind go wild, they are some responsible faithful men out there! - I hope! :)

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Post by sWeeT_DeViL » Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:50 pm

well well... this post seems to be getting more & more interesting, with some topic getting out of hands... from cabin crew's experience to some "many issues" of disagreement, to affairs between pilot & cabin crew...

now speaking from my experience, being a crew to non crew environment for many yrs & back to crew, i can tell u all here, (who are so curious of this topic), affairs happen everywhere, bitchiness happens everywhere... we are working in all human environment, needless to say majority of women colleagues (thats where most bitchiness come from).. even these days, u get bitchiness from men too!!! *ta daaaaaaaaa* dun be surprise... there is bitchiness in all of us, be honest with ourselves... so everywhere we go, any company we work with, we definitely smell bithiness & affairs... yes.. we get affairs in the office too.. so pls dont generalise that affairs only happen to cabin crew & pilot... whether one has affairs or not, whether one is bitchy or not, is also depends on one self... blaming the job is just an excuse to get away from all these wrong doings..

anyway, this is just a forum, everyone deserves to say their piece (or peace?) :shock: wont be nice to see ppl argue here due to some indifferences of thought... so cheers to all SouL here... :wink:

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Post by Shreked » Fri, 15 Sep 2006 11:01 pm

110% agree to Sweet Devil!
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Post by sWeeT_DeViL » Mon, 18 Sep 2006 5:49 pm

Shreked wrote:110% agree to Sweet Devil!
Thanks Shreked!!! Perhaps.. we are of the same kind here... :twisted:

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Post by Shreked » Mon, 18 Sep 2006 5:52 pm

Not only it will happen in the working environment,it will too in school or even families. =)
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Post by sWeeT_DeViL » Mon, 18 Sep 2006 6:07 pm

:shock: OMG!!! really??? thats bad... now that keeps mi thinking if i should have kids in the future... scary tho.. hahaha... heheheh

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Post by toygirl » Thu, 21 Sep 2006 1:45 pm

For a fresh grad or a person who basically looks from the outside - It is going to be a challenge. It's not going to be easy for some people to adjust or those who come in thinking it's a super glam, stress free, brainless routine. Yes, there is office politics everywhere? - Depends on the organisational culture and the emphasis on it. If you're working in an environment where paranoia, fakeness, gossip thrives like crazy, it will be a eye-opener. As a ex-crew, it is wise to throw some reality to the picture than go all out to support more deluded people to come up to the skys. Incidents of unpleasantness comes with the job rather than diverting it as a "blame game". This job comes with the negatives. Social, psychologically and physically. To generalise it is plain sugar-coating as a happy-go-lucky kinda routine.

Bitchiness from men - Gay men perhaps. Straight men - rarely.

Caveat emptor.

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