toygirl wrote:bitchy bitchy bitchy bastards - urgh - had enough from my previous airline. urgh urgh - fake smiles, fake personality!!! - some are genuinely nice, but some are just![]()
turnover is high - some ppl come in for all the wrong reasons
my first few months of flying i cried every flight before and after and during layovers - why? - bitches on board. some are just insecure arseholes who only have this job to cling on because they have zero future elsewhere and thus view competition like war!
glamour? - hahahahahaha
$$$ ? - short term
career development -when i went back to an office, hr only thought i could do coffee/tea or me routine - didn't matter i had a 1st class honours - to them i was just a coffee tea hostie.
happiness - depends on individuals
ill health - jet lag - grumpy pax, freak up colleagues, freak up pilots
weird scheduling, standbys - don't get me started. i think for me the ppl that are work with is crucial, unfortunately my last airline was just a![]()
i remember having to carry balls for my first yr as a junior - basically swallow your pride. some bitches and old freak up arseholes love to see you screw up and then report to office and watch you self destruct.
it's very political - if you can swallow your pride, know how to carry balls well, smiling and how to counter backstabbing, you'll survive. - gosh i sound so gloomy.
perks - $, layovers (most of the time you're too exhausted), good friends (if you can find them) - i can't think of anything else.
i'm back to an office job now - but still wondering whether it's wise to get back up the skies.
hehehe - come with an open mind! you'll survive (or not) hahaha
have ur own discretion babe.Aquagal wrote:toygirl wrote:bitchy bitchy bitchy bastards - urgh - had enough from my previous airline. urgh urgh - fake smiles, fake personality!!! - some are genuinely nice, but some are just![]()
turnover is high - some ppl come in for all the wrong reasons
my first few months of flying i cried every flight before and after and during layovers - why? - bitches on board. some are just insecure arseholes who only have this job to cling on because they have zero future elsewhere and thus view competition like war!
glamour? - hahahahahaha
$$$ ? - short term
career development -when i went back to an office, hr only thought i could do coffee/tea or me routine - didn't matter i had a 1st class honours - to them i was just a coffee tea hostie.
happiness - depends on individuals
ill health - jet lag - grumpy pax, freak up colleagues, freak up pilots
weird scheduling, standbys - don't get me started. i think for me the ppl that are work with is crucial, unfortunately my last airline was just a![]()
i remember having to carry balls for my first yr as a junior - basically swallow your pride. some bitches and old freak up arseholes love to see you screw up and then report to office and watch you self destruct.
it's very political - if you can swallow your pride, know how to carry balls well, smiling and how to counter backstabbing, you'll survive. - gosh i sound so gloomy.
perks - $, layovers (most of the time you're too exhausted), good friends (if you can find them) - i can't think of anything else.
i'm back to an office job now - but still wondering whether it's wise to get back up the skies.
hehehe - come with an open mind! you'll survive (or not) hahaha
hi.. OMG!!! Is it dat political up in e skies? many people, including myself, perceive it as a GLAMOUR job... what u said freaked me out... having second thoughts going to the SIA interview on sunday!? care to reveal which particular airline u worked for? Is it a prestigious one? *Curious*
pinkpeace7 wrote:Totally agrees with Ntyj! Anyone whom wish to become a FA ought to know what you will be facing. Everybody refer FA as a high-class waitress, and yet why is there still hundreds of ppl turing up for interviews hoping they can become one? You definitely need to have a passion for serving. Being in a customer svc line is ain't an easy job, you need to put on a great smile even if your mood sux big time. I personally think that FA isn't the most glamourous job, but I wish to travel around the world to absorb as much as I can. And to dive around the world. ^_^
thanks girls for supporting, and yesh,siu kee wrote:i totally agree with ntyj.Though i've not been before,just going for the interview this sat,but i think we need to go in with the right attitude,and not solely because it's glam.I think aquagirl went into that line with the right attitude too,just tt it turns out pretty bad for her.
In any case,all the best to whoever is going for the interview this weekend
thank you so much... really appreciate it.toygirl wrote:Oh dearYou make me grin with your post. Let me guess, you're new to the industry right or a fresh graduate and I think you are a guy? Enthusiasm is always good - trust me, you'll be meeting lots of fake smiles around with enthusiasm you'll do fine.
Having worked with 3 airlines so far, I was also like that, many of us came in with full of enthusiam, energy and drive, but you have to remember that it's going to be completely different from what you actually perceive the job to actually be!
I really discourage people who are not really keen or have any real waitress or F & B experience to apply. You have to remember that this job isn't glamour - Blame it on all the media hype.
This job is political - Simple reason, most cabin crew have too much free time during layovers and gossip spread fast - Really really fast. For example, if you offended someone unintentionally - you end up labelled, word spreads quickly and presto, you're "marked". I know of cases where someone didn't like a particular crew and they waited for her to make a major mistake and BOOM!
To be frank, this job is basically a waitress - high class to a certain extent, with some safety training, some F & B training, PR, deportment, but don't think it's a "PROFESSIONAL" career. Please. If you have like a solid credentials, you are probably going to regret it sooner or later.
Politics for the cabin crew line is different from the office. You'll know what I mean when you start flying. You swallow your pride fast. I swallowed it quickly. You have to and you'll survive.
This job isn't about "travelling" - This is the number one most passe answer we hear from candidates - "I want to travel" - LOL, I remember one recruitment officer slammed with "You could buy a ticket and travel for the same thing right" - Some layvoers are short, you reach destination,exhausted and you sleep like crazy, wake up and then new flight - depends on the airline. You may get a chance to sightsee and stuff.
Been flying with 3 airlines so basically, it's the same, it's more intense in certain airlines - depends on the culture. Asian airlines tend to be more political as a lot of bitches want to be "Noticed" as I'm the best!
Obviously, if you screw up big time don't expect people to come to your rescue. Don't think "Ooooh, I'm new" - Some will help you, some will let you die. You swallow your pride, cry if you have to and do it.
But there are positives - I have good friends from a very select crowd - Most are fake plastic bitches, I learned how to walk properly and graceful, smile on cue and laugh on cue at every stupid remark, you basically transform into a "Swan". It's an experience, you will change - trust me!
Good luck to everyone!
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