My 13 yr. old daughter saved, begged, and borrowed stamps from friends to make 20 to get one of those free dogs from Cold Storage. Saturday evening she rode her bike to the nearest store to exchange her sheet of stamps for her chosen dog, only to be disappointed. She was informed that one stamp wasn't complete therefore they wouldn't exchange her sheet for a dog. She was not happy.
Today we went to a nearby shopping centre, my daughter has her sheet, plus another sheet to make up more than 20 stamps needed. She again goes into the Cold Storage to exchange, returns with the dog and both sheets. In other words, this store didn't ask her to turn in the 20 stamps for the dogs, just noted that she had the required stamps, let her keep them and gave her the dog. She was happy! Now she plans to visit yet another store and try to get another dog.
Am I wrong in think that Cold Storrage was wrong at the first store for not exchanging her sheet for the dog? Am I wrong for letting her go ahead and attempt to get another dog?