I can sense all of your frustration, and I understand how you feel, as I was in your shoes before in a way....
But personally I 'm not sure whethe rI'm right you guys don't seem to do enough of research...and hunting!
Jobs don't just drop in front of you yah? you need to put a bit more effort in!
To get to where you want to be , you need to ask
1. what skills do I need to get into for example IB sales, it's not just coz you're working in a bank, you can change jobs so easily ie from a trader to a finance, or from a sales to compliance for example.
2. Singapore is a fab financial banking market, there's a lot you can search on, follow up with newspapers, agents, even the basic salary rates I' m sure I myself, and a lot of other banking people have said try the, and some others, they post salary info every year, it's very thorough, got a very detailed breakdown in terms of the salary range in different roles/departments in a bank....CHECK IT OUT!
3. follow up with agent, ask what's needed for me to get a job....why am i not getting, etc....agents have 0000s candidates , if you're not one of those hot hot demanded person I'm sorry to say they're not going to call you every day to tell you what's happening, probably forgetting where your existence by 1 week's time!
call, and call, and more follow up! you have to show you're aggressive, confident for the agents to notice, and remember your and your request.
4. Search on each bank's career website, HSBC, DBS, OCBC , CSFB, active!
I hope I dont sound too harsh.
Good luck