earthfriendly wrote:Answers? wrote:It only takes one loose cannon as the story goes. (Like GWB for instance)
Or the guy in N.Korea or the guy in Iran. Or the India Pakistan border. What safety measures are in place to prevent one nutcase from starting a chain reaction? Witness the latest missile tests in Korea (why do they need two stage rockets?) Why does Iran need nuclear power so badly (that can also produce weapons grade plutonium)? Why does N.Korea need enriched Uranium so badly? No body wants to see it but it could happen if we don't find some "Answers?"
I understand where you are coming from and there's so much truth to it. Reminds me of the global warming documentary that I watched on Discovery yesterday. We all know it is happening and accelerated by our consumption behaviours. However, there's no effort taken on a global basis to combat it.
We people are insignificant in a cosmos so large and mathimatically perfect, what keeps the earth in place are the magnetic forces outside in the solar system.
Gods creation is larger than, man, man is but a pawn, between good and evil, with life prolonging itself, and reproducing itself, there comes a time, when self destruction is inevitable, we have all seen the changes in the eco system, which will cause the distruction of mankind.
There can only be one god! no matter how many race's of people. Yet the followers and preachers of life, is but the ego of the I wants, and I need, and like lambs to the slaughter thou shall follow, those that have manipulated the destruction of themselves.
The rath of god is but a wave of a hand, the human is but a part of the big picture, connected by the spinal coloum, one throws a stone (create an action) to see a reaction. the creation of mankind is self destructive, for the purpose of good, like fertiliser on a plant!
Ashes to ashes dust, to dust, humans cannot and will not be allowed to inflict damage on the cosmos, gods creation is so perfect, we will all return to the ground, so the solar system can heal itself.
Ever since humans entered the earth,, the sadists, murderers, sex offenders, and wars, are all part and parcel of Evil v's Good
The way I see it, is the big movie continues, we all have to make our peace or come back and face the consequences, could that be rebirth until our dying days.
Faith, destiny is it, it helps no matter how the book of god, is changed by those that manipulate the good book for their own advancement and power, we come with nothing and go with nothing, your families will still feel the greed.
The weak shall inherit the earth! what goes around comes around! So enjoy it while you can and be good!
Avoid those goose stepping moderators