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Agent's Fee and Rental fees

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Re: Agent's Fee and Rental fees

Post by phankhu » Fri, 28 Jul 2006 3:29 pm

I would say in this case if you are entering a private contract with the owner without the agent involvement, then you need not pay any commission but in this case, you have to come up with your own agreement. Also, within this renewal of lease agreement period, should there by any argument or problem arises, you have to try to settle the issue privately with the owner as the service of the agent had already been lapsed.

By engaging the agent in the renewal of your lease agreement, you actually sort of "insured" yourself against any possiblility of issues that might happen that could sour the owner-tenant relationship. Cos in this way the agent is responsible within the code of ethics of practice to service you throughout the contract period.

Hope my own point of view could be of help to you

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Post by spaul » Sun, 10 Sep 2006 9:47 pm

The agent is engaged by the landlord to find tennats for the property. That's why in all countries I know of, the landlord pays the agent's fee
You should try living in Japan. Typically the flats are much smaller and rent is higher. They also have a traditon that is still going strong where to rent an apartment, you have to pay 2-3 months of deposit, 2-3 months of "Key" money to the landlord which is basically a bribe/incentive for them to allow you to live there, 1 month to the agent who found you the place and then your first months rent. Imagine if you had a rent of 3000SGD. 16,000 just to move in!

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Post by ksl » Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:54 am

in this way the agent is responsible within the code of ethics of practice to service you throughout the contract period.
Is this some kind of joke in Singapore, I've never seen so many unprofessional cowboys in one market before in my life!

Customer service is the worst I have experienced any where in Asia! They don't even lose face here in Singapore :x ! Neither do i, when I feel I'm being crapped on! :twisted:

Surprise surprise! What is the most potential business venture of today!! Especially with the Casino opening! Customer Service Courses!

What is the most failed business in Singapore? Right! Customer Service Courses, nobody ever turns up!

But hey! We all love it here!

Even my wife comments on the bad service policy here, and she is Taiwanese, and that is within the business community, she belives Singaporeans to be very rude on the telephone, just putting the phone down, without saying goodbye! and suppliers are not even bothered of customer service, even when you point it out to them!

Normally Taiwanese never complain in Taiwan, to save face! So you can imagine the shock and horror, when i caused a sceen in Takishimia, in Taipei. after the Korean pram, I had purchased for my daughter failed, becuase of a design defect on more than 3 occassions.

I did get my money back! It would have cost them much more, had they not paid me my money back!
The skill of internet marketing does have its good points! Yes I would have blasted a mailing campaign in Taiwan, to point out there bad service.

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Post by hillview2006 » Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:51 am

OH wow… ksl, you sound very unhappy aahh…

I do come across some rude Singaporeans but hei it’s happening everywhere on this earth!

Seriously speaking, customer service in Singapore is at it acceptable level to compare with some Asians countries. In big/major shop shopping mall most of the sale assistant will greet you and the cashier will say thank you.

Regarding the unprofessional cowboys that you’ve mentioned?. I hope I’ll not bump with this cowboy in future

Anyway, Singapore is a great place to live right?? that's why we are here :cool:

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Post by Harsha » Sun, 24 Sep 2006 7:25 pm

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