Hi, I am new to this forum. I have posted already on the parenting forum as I am currently pregnant, but I am also looking for some more general advice on settling in in Singapore. My boyfriend and I moved here because of his work in January. So far it has been a good experience, although recently I have started to feel a bit homesick. When we moved it was my intention initially to take a couple of months off of working as I had left behind my job in London, and then to look for work out here, but a couple of months turned into a couple more and now I am unable to begin a job as I would have to leave to have the baby soon after starting. Being on my own most days is starting to feel rather lonely, not to mention unfulflilling. I would really like to join a class, practical rather than academic as I am already completing a degree with the Open University, but so far my research has come up with very little. I will keep looking though! Something else I would be interested in is volunteer work. Any ideas? I know there is a website called National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre which posts available volunteer positions but having used their ematch service, I have not heard anything back.
If there is anyone else on here in a similar position please get in touch as it would be good to chat! I'd be really interested in other people's experiences of settling into life in Singapore.