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Digital Cameras in Singapore Airline

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Digital Cameras in Singapore Airline

Post by joshwa » Thu, 05 Aug 2004 9:07 pm


Does anybody know how much the Minolta Dimage Z3 is in Singapore airline - or whether it's in shops yet.

I will be travelling through there soon (sept) and would like to get a bargain compared to UK prices.

Alternative cameras I'm thinking about are the: Minolta Z1, Olympus C765, Fuji 5500 (probably not out yet), or possibly the Panasonic FZ3 (probably not out yet either).

Is Singapore Airline cheaper to buy from rather than going to a shop outside the airport?

Thanks very much


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SIA definitely not the cheapest

Post by PhantomX » Fri, 06 Aug 2004 1:00 am

SIA inflight sales like all airline inflight sales is not the cheapest
But if you cant get out of the plane into the city then you may not have an alternative But delivery will be to your country of choice
If you can get out then try Sim Lim Square or Funan Centre in the city Any cab driver will know Also dont take the first price quoted Ask around the many shops in both shopping centres that sell the same product and you will be surprised at the huge variation in price offered and even after you get the lowest bid you still can go someway to bringing the price lower. Not many tourists especially caucasian ones have the stomach for hard bargaining But even if you do half as seriously as the locals do you can save yourself quite abit Also insist on a guarantee card You will need it for repairs in your home country

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Post by jpatokal » Mon, 09 Aug 2004 4:53 pm

My tip for cheap, hassle-free camera shopping:

You can't bargain here, but you don't need to, and you won't be cheated either.

Not there !!

Post by Not there !! » Mon, 09 Aug 2004 10:13 pm

I would not really recomend Mustafa, i recently tried there for a camera it was $200 more expensive than Sim Lim!

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Post by jpatokal » Tue, 10 Aug 2004 11:32 pm

...and when you got that price from Sim Lim, did they include tax, credit card surcharge, batteries, battery charger, carrying case, and the fact that it's a factory refurbished (read: returned as broken) model with no warranty?

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Post by PhantomX » Wed, 11 Aug 2004 5:14 pm

jpatokal wrote:...and when you got that price from Sim Lim, did they include tax, credit card surcharge, batteries, battery charger, carrying case, and the fact that it's a factory refurbished (read: returned as broken) model with no warranty?
Not Always True.
Although I do agree with the comment about GST
Sim Lim Square has moved away from the sleazy counterfeit high tech emporium of days of yore
It has attained a certain sheen of respectability over the years and like the Mob are keen to shake off the grime of the past and go legit now that they have made the money.
But seriously on a less cynical note, you can get the real mcoys here and with some deft bargaining get away with a good deal with genuine international warranties included. However it pays to go from shop to shop within Sim Lim it self as price variations as between shops can be significant. You get a learning experience as to the variety of brands and models as well and although alot of it is sales talk you can get to a semblance of what the best model and brand for you is and the price you should be paying for the article
The Mustafas of the world do offer bargains generally but as was noted you'll get opportunistic pricing on some items as well. This is part of the game everyone plays Sim Lim included. As they say Caveat Emptor. But generally, you wouldnt be taken to the cleaners at Mustafa or at Sim Lim. It's at the end of the day a question of which kind of shopping experience you'd prefer. Alot of variety and bargaining at Sim Lim. A more homgeneous experience at Mustafas

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