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International Community School

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International Community School

Post by nickyt30 » Thu, 01 Jun 2006 7:31 pm

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone know of the reputation of the International Community School? I have faxed and emailed them recently to secure some information on enrolling my children in their school for August 2006. To date, I have not received a response from them and am somewhat concerned, especially given the overwhelming feeling of having to relocate to an entirely new country/culture etc. Additionally, if anyone can provide information on the housing district close to that school, that would also be helpful. Thanks for your continued assistance.


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International Community School

Post by Luz » Fri, 02 Jun 2006 7:30 am

So sorry you haven't received a reply from the folks at International Community School. School will be dismissed this morning...yes, the last day for students until Aug 14th. And with all the busyness of the end of the school year, ICS is also in the middle of moving from one campus to the other (which is undergoing major renovations), and to answer your previous question...yes, is very near the Clementi MRT station...look west. The entire campus has been taken apart, trucks are lined up, loading up, making trips...everything must be off the current property before June 13th! Most computers are unplugged, in boxes, and yes, parents and children are in the office signing up for the fall. Thanks for your concern and patience during this busy week...I expect you'll hear from them soon...and do continue to try...hopefully they'll be on line in the new office location by Monday. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to pm me any questions, and I would be happy to help you. :)
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Thanks for your help

Post by nickyt30 » Fri, 02 Jun 2006 8:41 am

Hello Luz,

Thanks for your speedy response. I have many questions. Is the school system academically rigid? Do the children have the opportunity to study a foreign language? Does the school allow for testing in the elementary school (SAT etc)?

I am asking these questions because we now have an offer as well to relocate to Scotland and so we have a short time in which to expressour interests and ultimately, any move which we make as a family, must be a rich and rewarding experience for our children.

I think the learning of another language is beneficial for our children who will have to compete in a bilingual/bicultural environment as they mature. Additionally, the school fees are quite expensive and I would hope that the children are provided with quality education.

Please answer when you can. Again, thanks for your earlier response. It was helpful.

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Post by Luz » Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:14 am

Yes, of course a quality education is offered at International Community School...but the child's attitude will determine their altitude. Our top graduates pick the colleges they want to go to. Mandarin is offered beginning in Kindergarten, and we have an excellent Spanish teacher, too. We had Stanford Achievement Testing in April for grades yes, we do have SAT for elementary. Keep those questions coming...happy to help. :)
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Thanks for your help

Post by nickyt30 » Fri, 02 Jun 2006 7:28 pm


Sounds like you are a teacher or administrator at the school. Thanks for the answers provided to my questions. I would love for my children to have the opportunity to learn Spanish because we currently reside in Miami and even though I am unsure of if this is where we will eventually settle, it is very important at this point if one wishes to reside in the USA to make learning Spanish a priority.

Your answers have been helpful and I look forward to hearing from ICS. I hope their waiting list is not too long because providing the kids with a christian education is our priority at this time.

Have a good weekend.

Hasta Luego!

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Joined: Fri, 02 Jun 2006 6:35 am

International Community School

Post by Luz » Tue, 06 Jun 2006 12:28 pm

Nicole, due to the ongoing renovation work at the new ICS campus location, at 27A Jubilee Road, 2 bus stops from the Clementi MRT station, the main office will not be open until Monday, June 12th, which is later than stated on my previous post. The office is being painted today...carpet arrives later this week, and then electronic equipment, etc. Thanks for your patience, and sorry for any inconvenience. (I am unable to reply using the pm feature, until I've posted more replies on this forum...and don't know what number that is. :? eager to answer any questions you may have. :) )

To ease your mind, there is not a waiting list to sign up at ICS, so any time between now and August 14th, the first day of school, will be good. Children sign up throughout the year, too, as they arrive in Singapore. ICS currently has more signed up for the fall than they had enrolled this past year, and that's great! ... and thankful that the new facility will accommodate 300 more students than the old campus. All those rooms will fill in a few years and ICS will again move to a larger campus...can't wait for that to happen!

I am thrilled, too, that Christian education is a priority for your family...that's why ICS is here in Singapore...and also to provide affordable quality education in a warm, family friendly, international environment. Nicole, if you do move from Miami, I hope you will plan to attend the Open House on Saturday, August 12th, and see firsthand all that ICS has to offer. Seeing is believing! :D
Treat people the same way you want them to treat you.


Thanks for your help

Post by Guest » Wed, 07 Jun 2006 3:06 pm

Hello Luz,

Thanks for your response. It is comforting to know that ICS does not have a waiting less thing to worry about in the transition process. As mentioned earlier, christian education is a priority for our family. I can think of no better way than to surround them with educators who care and who will be able to reinforce Godly values as they go through the process of adjusting to a new move. I will be there on 8/12 as long as I am in the country by that time.

Again, thanks for your help.


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Post by sailingmom » Sun, 02 Jul 2006 4:59 am

Hi! We had e-mailed about speaking the July. I'm available in South Carolina at the phone number I gave you...


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