My daughter is 4 yrs old and she is a normal healthy child, 6 months back her preschool teacher called me to tell me that her motor skills are not well developed and I need to do some work with work with her at home too, while I was concerned, I was not really worried..afterall she is so small..
3 months back her teacher informed me that they have started doing phonic sounds at school but she is quite inconsistent and keeps forgetting, well again I thought she is still small and I did not want to worry and stress her out.
but now they have started writing in school and though she is able to trace on the dotted lines, if I ask her to do without the dotted lines, she is clueless on how to go about. I mean I dont expect her to write the perfect number/alphabet but surely I expected to write atleast something looking similar but she just couldnt do anything....
I know she is still small, but at this rate she is already behind other children her age and I am worried of how she will be able to catch up later. What shd I do?? Do u think there is a problem here or shd I just let it be and she will snap out of this...she hates to do any work which requires her to think....