I cannot do comparison as I upgraded my first PDA which was a Palm Zire 71 which was just a PDA period to the top of the line. For Xmas the wife and daughter found out what I was lusting for using trickery and bought me a Dopod 900. Probably the only thing wrong with this is that it only has tri-band and not quad-band. It uses WinMobile 5.0, word, excel, outlook, dual cameras, bluetooth, gps, all the bells and whistles. It is definitely not a Nokia phone (re: sound quality and occasionally dropping calls) and is rather heavy for held to the ear usage as a phone (although it is both for me now) But using a bluetooth headset with the installed voice commander software I find it great as I don't have to take out the unit at all.
I do feel you can do better, but on a price per function basis (if you don't need all that it's got - It's more mini-notebook than PDA). You can buy a centrino notebook cheaper that the dopod 900 (which is identical to the O2-Exec). It is currently around 1800+ SGD. Maybe a $100 less or so if you get it through a package with Singtel or whathaveyou. ... 84p,00.htm