I'll probably give myself another gout attack as I've had a few tonight that I shouldn't have had (nothing to do with this forum - I'm fed up here but not that fed up - a large portion of you are being just a bunch of anomyous jerks at the moment. I love it when I'm drinking! It's so rare anymore. Yes it's me in a personal mode.
Most of the Posters here would possibly remember the "Cold War" between the US and the old USSR.
Even if they weren't around in a politically aware state, with the level of educational intelligence hinted at or bragged about here, one would think that the old adage of one who forgets their history is deemed to repeat it.
What was it between the US & USSR? Constantly escalating things and baiting each other until they reached a critical mass. I think it was called one upmanship or brinkmanship wasn't it? Doesn't sound like anybody has learned anything on this Forum. In this case however it seems to be a bunch of forumers trying to oneupmanship into goading each other into seeing how much chaos they can create.
All that I have seen so far is a bunch of petulant kids trying to outdo each other in the schoolyard saying I'm the baddest MOFO in the yard - watch me, watch me, watch this! I can cause more disruption than you.
And this from supposedly educated adults. Enjoy yourselves, I be around to talk to the remanents of your self-destructive orgy. The ones with some common sense. The forum is ripe for weeding. (Both in moderators and Forumers) as far as I am concerned.
I actually took pride in what I did. Shame no one else gives a damn about how they appear. If I "lost your respect" even though I haven't done anything (just the opposite in fact) it's no real loss. I'll just have to consider the actions by those people and if I find them wanting.......
that they mature a bit more I guess.....