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Post by dyra » Wed, 19 Jul 2006 4:06 pm

erhmmm.... erh....

well, i am not trying to join in the arguements. but SIA do take in crew who do not know how to swim.

before the swim test, the instructor/lifeguard at the pool will ask who do not know how to swim and do not lie. some girls raised their hands, and the person will spend a bit more time to instruct them how to swim across.

so in the end, there are girls who do not know how to swim got thru and went on to sign the bond wil SIA n already started their training in june.
i know cos i was one of the girl who was in the swim test. i do know how to swim by the way.

hope it helps. :wink:

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Post by Plavt » Wed, 19 Jul 2006 4:53 pm

dyra wrote:erhmmm.... erh....
but SIA do take in crew who do not know how to swim.

before the swim test, the instructor/lifeguard at the pool will ask who do not know how to swim and do not lie. some girls raised their hands, and the person will spend a bit more time to instruct them how to swim across.

so in the end, there are girls who do not know how to swim got thru and went on to sign the bond wil SIA n already started their training in june.
i know cos i was one of the girl who was in the swim test. i do know how to swim by the way.

hope it helps. :wink:
So although they could not swim the instructor instructs them how to swim across - what nonsense! Try reading all of the preceding post and for god's sake do some thinking girl!


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Post by grivoise » Wed, 19 Jul 2006 5:13 pm

Perhaps someone should just put an end to that myth.

Perhaps swimming wasn't stated as a must-have skill, but I doubt I'ld hire anyone who could survive in the water for more than 30 secs. ^_^

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Post by dyra » Wed, 19 Jul 2006 5:19 pm


maybe i kinda of wrote wrongly. well, the instructor of course will not teach you how to swim on the spot. and of course, we have lifevest on. so he just told/instructed the non-swimmers how to paddle across the pool by using the legs n hands.

it is not stated in the SIA recruitment recruitment that cabin crew need to know how to swim. maybe for other airlines, yup, it is stated that the cabin crews must know how to swim.

there are a number to cabin crew in SIA who do not know how to swim. i thin you should seriously come to singapore, make a trip to STC and see for yourself.

and oh ya, i DO THINK, thank you.

likewise for JAL, the cabin crew do not have a swim test n during training, there is only 1 ditching practice (from what i read from the JAL thread). so therefore, being able to swim for a cabin crew vary from different airlines.

sorry if i offended anyone from JAL. i just wrote what i read from the JAL thread n other forums.

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