Ok ..
This is the story:
According to the Singapore Constitution, it states that the national language for Singapore is Malay(because of historical reasons). But our 4 official languages are Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English. And English is the language of Administration.
Now. Our flights to Singapore are currently coupled with either Jakarta or Cebu. So, unless you can speak Bahasa Malayu or Bahasa Indonesia or Tagalog (for Cebu), the possibility of flying back to Singapore is not as high as those who can speak the language.
So, if you do speak Malay, DECLARE it, IF and ONLY IF you wanna do mostly KL and Singapore flights. For me, I speak Chinese, so most of the time, I fly to Shanghai or Beijing or any flight that has a strangely high chinese passenger count.
So in answer to your question.
1) If you speak Malay, maybe about 1 every 4 months.
2) If you speak Chinese or others, maybe 1 every 8 months.
3) If you are promoted to Business Class (normal), maybe 1 every 3 months.
4) If you are promoted to Business Class (performa), depends on your luck as for Singapore flight, its normal Business Class service.
5) If you are promoted to First Class, GOOD LUCK. No First Class Service on Singapore flight (UNLESS LKY or someone as impt as him flies with us)
6) If you are like Cabin Senior or Cabin Service Director, see point 3 and point 4 above.
Hope it helps!