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Gulf State Airlines - Vacancy of cabin crew

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Post by Matt10 » Mon, 15 May 2006 5:49 pm

Yazzyyaz wrote:Hello,

I was at the EY interview from 8.30am to 7pm.
It was nerve-wrecking. (The recruiters have the habit of calling out the numbers and gather the grp in the room to eliminate them.)

There was 173 ppl today including walk-ins. Only 22 were shortlisted for the 3rd & 4th round. At the end, 14 of us were given the congratulations letter...

1st round - English test
-- Mulitple choices for grammar, Vocabulary, Simple Maths, Simple logic & a short comprehension, lastly short paragraph creative writing.

2nd round - Grooming test (Height & Weight) & A brief one-on-one introduction.

(Both round 1 & 2 runs concurrently)

3rd round - Grp discussion - we were given a task to do as a team

4th round - Panel interview (tho some of us didnt proceed to that but was offered the job)

That's all folks!


So did you make it all the way?
And those who are successful will go for training soon or they have to go through few more rounds of interview?


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Post by vivi » Mon, 15 May 2006 6:41 pm

Matt10 wrote:
Yazzyyaz wrote:Hello,

I was at the EY interview from 8.30am to 7pm.
It was nerve-wrecking. (The recruiters have the habit of calling out the numbers and gather the grp in the room to eliminate them.)

There was 173 ppl today including walk-ins. Only 22 were shortlisted for the 3rd & 4th round. At the end, 14 of us were given the congratulations letter...

1st round - English test
-- Mulitple choices for grammar, Vocabulary, Simple Maths, Simple logic & a short comprehension, lastly short paragraph creative writing.

2nd round - Grooming test (Height & Weight) & A brief one-on-one introduction.

(Both round 1 & 2 runs concurrently)

3rd round - Grp discussion - we were given a task to do as a team

4th round - Panel interview (tho some of us didnt proceed to that but was offered the job)

That's all folks!


So did you make it all the way?
And those who are successful will go for training soon or they have to go through few more rounds of interview?

?? #-o

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Post by singaporegrrl » Mon, 15 May 2006 7:29 pm

Matt10 wrote:Hi,

So did you make it all the way?
And those who are successful will go for training soon or they have to go through few more rounds of interview?

Successful and still need to attend more rounds of interviews? Your question is confusing.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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Post by Matt10 » Mon, 15 May 2006 8:18 pm

Let me re-phrase. My apology.

Those who were given the congratulations letter, does that mean that they have to go for training right away?

Or do they need to go through few more rounds of interview?

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Post by Yazzyyaz » Mon, 15 May 2006 10:07 pm


To put it simply - Offered congratulations letter means we are asked to proceed to medical checks (which is the normal standard of procedure for all airlines) as soon as possible

After the medical is faxed to EY, they will get the approval n visa for us.

Contract will be sent to us, we will sign n fax or scan back to them

Training dates will be given as according to our next available date after we resign from current company.

Hope this is easier to understand.


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Post by Matt10 » Tue, 16 May 2006 7:55 am

thanks yazzyazzz! :D

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Post by Shreked » Tue, 16 May 2006 5:21 pm

Nice one,yazzy!
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