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Planning to travel to UK & Paris but.....

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Planning to travel to UK & Paris but.....

Post by gotta_think » Thu, 13 Apr 2006 1:35 pm

Hello guys,

I am planning to travel in UK and Paris, however, I am currently an EP holder. Contract will expire (but renewable) this coming October. I am planning to apply a UK visa by August and apply Schengen visa on the same month as I am planning to travel on October before my contract expires.

The reason why I plan to travel this October is because I would like to use my remaining vacation leave by then (at the same time saving up for this trip as I know it will surely be expensive going there).

I have a friend who now lives in the UK (was petitioned by her mom 6yrs ago) and she willingly told me that she can accommodate me while im there.

I am just doubting to apply though, because I am not sure if August is a good month since October is the contract expiration. I am afraid that embassy will reject me. However, I am pretty sure that i will be back Singapore as I have job here. It is just that I would really like to travel this year as next year won't be a good anymore because I am getting married (meaning, travel no more) and there would be a lot of expenses to prioritize.

I hope people here could advice me. Thank you very much!

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Post by jpatokal » Thu, 13 Apr 2006 8:46 pm

I'm confused now. First you say your contract expires, but then you say you still have a job here? :shock:

When applying for the visa, what they want to know is do you have permanent ties to your home country/Singapore and that you're not going to stay in the UK. Getting married next year in your country is thus a big point in your favor. Unless your friend is a UK citizen, it's probably best not to mention them at all or they may think you're moving in for work.

Also note that EU countries track each other's applications -- if you get rejected for one you're unlikely to succeed in another, and vica versa.
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Post by Bonbon » Fri, 14 Apr 2006 1:05 am

Why don'[t you give the embassy a call, explanation your situation to them , and see what their advice is?

And can't you request to start your new job a bit later, just to play safe?

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Post by gotta_think » Fri, 14 Apr 2006 1:56 am

thanks for ur response. i am currently working and my contract will expire this 3rd week of October. My contract is renewable though. The reason why I said I still have a job is because I am planning to travel 3 weeks before the expiration. since i only intend to stay there for just 8days, i can go back 2nd week of october and need to work until i finish on the 3rd week. Usually for the employer, they will ask you to renew and pick-up your new EP the day before it will expire for u to work legally. my fiance is not in Singapore by the way, he's in my home country and will get married there by middle of next year.

i am just doubtful about this though because i would like to prevent denial of visa. i would appreciate if someone could give me an advice on what's the best thing to do with my situation.

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