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Experience with insurance companies (aka why AIA sucks)

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Experience with insurance companies (aka why AIA sucks)

Post by jpatokal » Tue, 11 Apr 2006 9:34 pm

Anybody out there have a recommendation for a good insurance company? Because I'm about to do something very un-Singaporean and slag my ex-company in public.

My previous policies were with AIA, but they (or at least their agents) appeared terminally flaky. The best story came first: Some buffoon shows up at the office to explain the company-provided travel/health policy. I ask him if personal travel is included, and he says it is. I ask him if scuba diving is covered, and was surprised to hear it was. I ask him if there is any limitation for dangerous activities, and he says no. "So I can climb Mt. Everest naked and you'll pay for the helicopter to rescue me?" "Absolutely!"

Incidentally, helicopters can't fly up Everest as the air is too thin, and needless to say everything else the guy told me was also bullshit -- I sorely regretted not taping the conversation so I could have had his ass nailed. If I had believed the clown and eg. gotten bent while diving, I would have had a pretty medevac/decompression bill waiting for me... :x

I had occasion to file claims with them twice, one was handled promptly but the other is still at last check pending, some 4 months after it was entered. And now the stuff they tell me about policies over the phone doesn't match what their website says and they're not returning my calls, so AIA, you can kiss my shiny metal ass goodbye.

So... who's less bad? Prudential, Great Eastern, somebody else? Replies from insurance salesmen not welcome, I want to hear actual experiences with warts and all.
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Post by icelady » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:07 am

NTUC Income

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Post by Strong Eagle » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 8:56 am

I have an agent who sells AIG products and he seems pretty straightup to me. Local gent.

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Post by pineappletarts » Wed, 12 Apr 2006 10:13 am


I'm sorry to hear your bad experience with AIA. My agent is from AIA and I really like her service. A very professional lady. I guess it is just your bad luck to meet the black sheep of the company.... :(

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Post by Max Mara » Mon, 17 Apr 2006 9:34 am

I am with Aviva and so far so good. I the end, it will all depend on the agent. Good luck!

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Post by jpatokal » Mon, 17 Apr 2006 8:09 pm

AIG confirmed, in writing, that their Travel Assist policy covers recreational scuba diving (with an emphasis on the recreational, so professional or even athletic-competitive is out). They replied in about 2 hours to my e-mail, so bonus points for that too -- I think we have a winner.

And yes, looking at Aviva's health insurance plans now...
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