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by micknlea » Wed, 05 Apr 2006 10:26 pm
It is called The Finder magazine, it is free and is available in quite a few shops around town, I have seen them in a few of the shops around Tanglin Mall and also Great World City. Can't remember any specific names though sorry, I think they were toy shops and furniture places. As their advertising says they can be found in shops that expats frequent (? see below for explanation of what they think that is) or you can have it mailed free to you, but of course you have to find one first. I always seem to get mine second hand from someone...or from my maid!!!
I agree Kiwi, they do seem to encourage the mentality that all expats have too much money to throw around on anything and everything, but I tend to ignore that bit and I usually just dream on and wonder about all the things that are so far out of my price range I can't ever imagine having any of them, as I do with most magazines.
I have also found lots of good and helpful information in amongst all of this though. For example one mag had a chart of bed sizes, comparing the differences between beds from Europe, Asia, Pacific and the US and letting you know how they compare to what is for sale here, I found that one particularly helpful. I have also located other things that sometimes are not so easy to find when you don't know your way around.
"My husband said it was him or the cat...I miss him sometimes." - Unknown