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Re: 2 year for aspiring stewardess

Post by inamorato » Fri, 15 Sep 2006 2:00 pm

merra wrote:Hi Gals...

I tink u cun find the appln in the websute...however, u call Sass agn and ask for their email add instead....I noe the interview is arnd the corner as surposedly Im in Nov Batch for this programme....The Cabin Crew Manager Sms to me regarding the interview....So do it fast ya....

BTW, before u takeup the programme, do tink twice ya...The progamme are as follows...

1) Its 2.5yrs programme(Cabin crew training 6mths and thereafter u will start the programme after u complete ur cabin crew training, thats will be 2yrs)
2) Total bond is S$17K.
3) U have to fly and wen ur two days off, u will be gg to the college....
4) Ur pay is very little...(E.G1200-1500 GROSS)
And more.........

Therefore think first unless u r prepared mentally & physically that u can cope the stress and the pressure....Esp the pay....and if u r willing to sacrifice for the 2.5yrs, u will be getting the DIp and experience....

For me I turndown their offer for Sept Batch as Im married and my current pay r much much higher.However the manager likes me so much, and she mag me to go for it agn for the Sept batch...and i turndown agn....

So ALL the best.......
Thanks for replying! I'm thus going to consider dropping out of polytechnic and going for this diploma. Do you have any idea if they accept females aged 18?

I'm keen on taking up this diploma as I've interest in being an Air Stewardess but I would want to get my diploma and experience then proceed to joining SIA. Would it be an advantage or should I continue my polytechnic diploma? Because I'm taking engineering and its not my interest.

Thanks & Regards.

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Post by desijoey » Fri, 15 Sep 2006 8:56 pm

Hi merra!Thanks for the valuable info!I've called them up and they told me to just send in my detailed resume with a current photo and they will call me when the interview is around the corner.

However,since u've been thru the interviews before,are they really stringent?Like do they measure ur height and stuff like dat as done at typical airline interviews?

Thanks for answering my queries!:)

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Post by desijoey » Fri, 15 Sep 2006 9:07 pm

oh btw...wat does it mean by "total bond $17k"?does it mean dat if we choose to leave before the program ends we gotta pay them back $17k?a bit blur...paiseh...:p

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Post by singaporegrrl » Sat, 16 Sep 2006 6:37 am

desijoey wrote:oh btw...wat does it mean by "total bond $17k"?does it mean dat if we choose to leave before the program ends we gotta pay them back $17k?a bit blur...paiseh...:p
Yes! If you don't complete your 2.5 years of service with them, you will have to pay $17k. So think before you decide. Your time will be spent mostly on work and study for 2 years.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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Post by vaney » Sat, 16 Sep 2006 8:46 pm


when's the closing date?? cuz i cant really access the website. i dun noe y..

and erm.. do they also select the candidates using the same rules?? like no scars on legs and all dat? cuz i've got one scar on my leg which is making me think twice if i should try it out.. :(

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Post by singaporegrrl » Sun, 17 Sep 2006 12:58 am

vaney wrote:do they also select the candidates using the same rules?? like no scars on legs and all dat? cuz i've got one scar on my leg which is making me think twice if i should try it out.. :(
You can always wear skin colored panty hose to cover your scar on your legs. Imperfections on the face could be covered by make-up. You really need to experiment alot.
Jangan tanya soalan merepek boleh tak?

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2 yrs for aspiring stewardess

Post by merra » Sun, 17 Sep 2006 10:45 am

Hi Desijoey & inamorato

Sori for late reply ya....Well,1stly(for inamorato), I think its best for u to complete ur DIP with Poly thereafter apply for SQ or other International Airlines....However, if u really wanna takeup dis DIP in BIZ and Marketing with the Jet* Internship Programme, my advise is to tink bout it and make some research on the airlines and the courses. Dun ever tink of breaking up the bond...Cz the total bond is 17K, u nd to pay them up all....Its alot...Its a tough programme but if u do have the Passion, u can make it ya....So tink bout it 1st..Dun wuri, the job can always wait for u ya.....For ur age, shld b no problem ya...u r still young...

(For Desijoey),The interview was easy for me...Thru the interview, I made frens with the Manager and pple from Sass...and Im still in contact wf the manager...Well, after u r slected, u will be gg for the Foundation Programme for two days(paid by them), during the course, u will learn alot and change ur personality. and u will meet pple from hotel Industry and Retail industry, They oso take up the same courses like u do, except diff working environment....And I still remeber wat Andrew told me, if u wanna achieve ur goals, tink positively and dun tink negatively and dun have a bad heart...Even Im married and have a kid, I still managed to achieve it(To be a SuperWorking and Gorgeous Mum, I got it everything dis yr) So work hard hor....

And oso, Dun tink of off days ya....sometimes, theres no off day, ur off day r ur sch days....

The interview, basically, they will ask u, why u wanna join as cabin crew? Can u cope the irregular hrs? Wat do u noe about cabin crew? and the lady likes to give u diff senario n how r u gg to react? So u have to be alert and have the ans at ur finger tips...orite...

For Hgt and wght, they did not take.

After the foundation programme, u will be gg for the 2nd and last interview at Jet*, where u will be interviewed by Head od Cabin Crew from Jet*....basically, bout the same....but dun too confident....b true and real bout urself...then if u r selected, u will b gg for medical on the same day...den follow by briefings and signing contract with Sass and Jet*....

All the best....And doubts, u can ask me of SingaporeGal...She oso an experience gal......

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Re: 2 yrs for aspiring stewardess

Post by desijoey » Sun, 17 Sep 2006 11:10 am

merra wrote:Hi Desijoey & inamorato

Sori for late reply ya....Well,1stly(for inamorato), I think its best for u to complete ur DIP with Poly thereafter apply for SQ or other International Airlines....However, if u really wanna takeup dis DIP in BIZ and Marketing with the Jet* Internship Programme, my advise is to tink bout it and make some research on the airlines and the courses. Dun ever tink of breaking up the bond...Cz the total bond is 17K, u nd to pay them up all....Its alot...Its a tough programme but if u do have the Passion, u can make it ya....So tink bout it 1st..Dun wuri, the job can always wait for u ya.....For ur age, shld b no problem ya...u r still young...

(For Desijoey),The interview was easy for me...Thru the interview, I made frens with the Manager and pple from Sass...and Im still in contact wf the manager...Well, after u r slected, u will be gg for the Foundation Programme for two days(paid by them), during the course, u will learn alot and change ur personality. and u will meet pple from hotel Industry and Retail industry, They oso take up the same courses like u do, except diff working environment....And I still remeber wat Andrew told me, if u wanna achieve ur goals, tink positively and dun tink negatively and dun have a bad heart...Even Im married and have a kid, I still managed to achieve it(To be a SuperWorking and Gorgeous Mum, I got it everything dis yr) So work hard hor....

And oso, Dun tink of off days ya....sometimes, theres no off day, ur off day r ur sch days....

The interview, basically, they will ask u, why u wanna join as cabin crew? Can u cope the irregular hrs? Wat do u noe about cabin crew? and the lady likes to give u diff senario n how r u gg to react? So u have to be alert and have the ans at ur finger tips...orite...

For Hgt and wght, they did not take.

After the foundation programme, u will be gg for the 2nd and last interview at Jet*, where u will be interviewed by Head od Cabin Crew from Jet*....basically, bout the same....but dun too confident....b true and real bout urself...then if u r selected, u will b gg for medical on the same day...den follow by briefings and signing contract with Sass and Jet*....

All the best....And doubts, u can ask me of SingaporeGal...She oso an experience gal......
Hi merra!Thanks so much again!U've been really really helpful!:)

Hmm...u did mention dat u have a confirmed place in the Nov batch rite?So does dat mean there will be another interview in Oct soon?

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2-yrs for aspiring stewardess

Post by merra » Thu, 21 Sep 2006 1:10 am


Yah, its almost confirmed...but i turn down their offer as I got in to Silkair soon....I tink the nex one in Jan07....mus chack wif them ya...

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