Wham wrote:True, a strange one, but you have to admit - at least being called an ALIEN is kind of fun. I would MUCH rather be an Alien than a guest.
...and you may continue to do soGlobal Citizen wrote:EADG, does the truth rankle when the criticism is levelled the other way? How does speaking from my own personal experience rate with you and about the bit re. my handle. How would you know since we've never met?EADG wrote:not sure where you get your news, for someone with handle like yours this sounds somewhat less than 'global'Global Citizen wrote: BTW, here's a newsflash: New Yorkers don't exactly qualify for top marks in the good manners category either.
though it gets bantered around a lot, most Americans and real NYers know this convienent fallacy to be just that, always gave you more credit, GC
I expected so much more from you.
Wham wrote:
Once in a while waiters will play the role of being difficult etc, but it is just a put on.
Global Citizen wrote:Wham wrote:
Once in a while waiters will play the role of being difficult etc, but it is just a put on.Is that what they're calling poor and rude customer sevice these days in the Big Apple? A put on act? I hope the tourists and visitors are privvy to the inside scoop too. I could relate an incident or two if you like.
Wish everybody would be as forgiving and understanding when they're not on their own turf.
Pot.... Kettle .... Black ?Wham wrote:GC, perhaps your difficult and confrontational demeanor may have inspired the waiters that you encountered to behave rudely towards you. Seriously, maybe it is time to reflect on that inner anger that you seem to harbor - and to ask yourself if it is possible that OTHERS (like waiters in NY) might treat YOU better if you first treated THEM better. Just a suggestion...
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