GCE O level or known as General Certificate of Examination Ordinary level is equivalant to GCSE(in UK). Its questions are from Cambridge University and are marked by the people in Cambridge.babymoon21 wrote: sorry i am not a singaporean but can I know what is N level? Is it study until form 3 only?
and O level applies for those study up to form 5?
A level is the pre-u foundation?
And may I know what is the diff between a polytechnic diploma vs any other diplomas?
Not true, GCSE replaced the GCE 'O' level several years ago. GCE 'O' level was a lone exam whereas GCSE is modular.Matt10 wrote: GCE O level or known as General Certificate of Examination Ordinary level is equivalant to GCSE(in UK).
This may well be the case in Singapore and I have no real interest but the 'O' level examinations that are still held elsewhere are administered by Edexcel.Its questions are from Cambridge University and are marked by the people in Cambridge.
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