My advice: go your way!
When I stayed in Singapore I expierenced the same. I got so annoyed of this that I decided to teach the Singaporians a lesson. From one day to another I never stepped to the side for any asian walker that crossed my way in Spore. With a body like a light heavyweight boxing champ( and the skills
) it was not a big problem to rip through them like a blistering blade through butter.
Once I left a bus, and I was in the way of an student that was running to catch the bus. I saw that he realized that I was in his way, but he just decided to lower his view and pretend not to see me. Big mistake! I body checked that bantamweight and he was flying like a chicken thet got hit by an penalty kick. My personal highlight.
They a born and raised with this attitude so for them it is ok but I still think it is wrong and is caused by very deep-seated selfish nature.
And the way they drive their cars. I was in Jakartta and in Bangkok. The traffic is chaos. There are not really rules existing. Jakarta was hell. I never drove by myself. Just took cabs. First I felt very uncomfotable in the taxis. But later I realised these drivers have skills!
The singaporian taxi drivers are ok, no problem with that. But in Spore you think you are in the civilisation. And they have traffic rules over there, but u find this selfish behaviour even in the traffic like on the pedestrain. It is always me me me
good luck, my friend