Wow.... so early. Ehh.... actually i did ever attend Silkair of their process walk in interview. Once when you reach there, a lady your height and weight will be taken. After that, she will pass you the application form and ask you to fill it up. Once you fill it up finish, hand in your form, passport size photo and full lenght photo and your photocopy certs.
Follow by that, you need to wait for a while till the lady call your name. Actually, its about 10 peoples go in together in a room. Once you are inside the room, you will be seated in a round table. There will be a lady and a man. They will ask each one of us to self intro.
Finish intro, then each one of us will be given a note to read a passage. Regarding all about inside airline things.
rine_85 wrote:hi, im newly registered in tis forum. i have applied leave on fri ,intend to go for e 9am slot..u? wondering hwz e self intro like..