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24 hours pet care

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24 hours pet care

Post by scareddd » Sun, 19 Oct 2003 11:53 pm

My dog is ill and I am wondering if there are some places that offer board and 24-hours care for him. It seems that pet hotels needed to bathe the pets etc upon check-in, which is not very feasible at the moment, given his illness. We need to find a place urgently.

Could someone please tell me where is the best place to turn to? :cry:


Post by jacke_white » Mon, 20 Oct 2003 3:28 pm

You can go to the...

:lol: Mount Pleasant Clinic - Whitley Rd
:lol: Animal Clinic - Clementi Street 11
:lol: Companion Animal Surgery - Balestier


Posts: 1
Joined: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 5:00 pm

Post by Freda15 » Fri, 15 Apr 2011 5:01 pm

The type of care your turtle, it will depend mainly on the type of turtle that you expect to get. While you probably want to learn as much as you can about the breed of turtle you choose, there are some basic rules that apply to the care of pet turtle, and these rules are different for the two main categories of turtles, water turtles and land tortoises. To make sure your turtle long life and happiness, you should strive to provide a comfortable environment at home.

Ya know, I've pulled the link on this spammer, but I leave the post because it is quite amazing. Replying to a 2003 post about dogs with a post about turtles. And, in an entire paragraph, says nothing.


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