Aiyoh, there must be something very compulsive about me. Why do I feel I always have to help May4 out so rest of world understand what she is trying to say?
I did not read that article as I have no access, am in USA now. Here's my take.
Plant man= derived from mandarin (zhi wu ren) directly translated as vegetable/plant person (cannot move and just lying still like a vegetable). It refers to a person who is completely paralyzed and have no controll over his bodily function parts. He is assumed (by the rest of the world) to be incapable of hearing, thinking and moving. Completely immobile. I believe the English term for it is "vegetable".
Chin chin = Indonesian term referring to male genetalia
Here's my best shot at paraphrasing May4's story. Taiwanese male patient (a "vegetable") was raped by the female nurse who gave the patient a blow job using her hand/hands (can't tell from the post if it is one hand or both). The most amusing part was that this supposedly "vegetable" patient was responding to her unconventional therapy by greeting it with a "happy

" erection. All this was caught by a hidden camera planted by the patient's wife.
Patient's wife pressed charges against the nurse who claimed that she did it out of patient's need (more bizarre

Story sounded a little far fetch but apparently Hiccup also came across the same news.