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Questions about serviced apartments

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Questions about serviced apartments

Post by G1234 » Tue, 20 Dec 2005 8:45 pm

I will be moving to singapore soon, and am considering getting a Serviced Apartment for a year instead of renting a place. I had the following questinos and would appreciate any input.

1. Are utilities included in the rent of a serviced apartment?
2. Do they provide for parking space?
3. How good are the rooms compared to renting out a furnished non-serviced apartment?

My budget is between s$4k-S$5k per month for a two bedroom apartment. Please let me know if this is reasonable for a lengthy rental, and if you have any suggestions for Serviced Apartments in and around Orchard Road.


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Re: Questions about serviced apartments

Post by abbby » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 2:10 am

G1234 wrote:I will be moving to singapore soon, and am considering getting a Serviced Apartment for a year instead of renting a place. I had the following questinos and would appreciate any input.

1. Are utilities included in the rent of a serviced apartment?
2. Do they provide for parking space?
3. How good are the rooms compared to renting out a furnished non-serviced apartment?

My budget is between s$4k-S$5k per month for a two bedroom apartment. Please let me know if this is reasonable for a lengthy rental, and if you have any suggestions for Serviced Apartments in and around Orchard Road.

Private apartments are anytime better especially that you had mentioed you would be renting for a year. I had visited a friend's serviced apartment at Great World City and it was small. You don't get such small sizes in private apartments. And they paid about $7k-8k for a 2 bedrooms if I was not wrong.

Serviced Apts should provide a lot for you and they are all furnished.

If I were you, I would go for a pte apartment anytime knowing I can get a run for my money compared to a serviced apt.

Gd luck.
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Post by G1234 » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 1:39 pm


The main reason i was considering getting a serived apt is the comfort of not having to deal with buying new furniture, electronics, etc. which i believe can add upto almost S$8000-S$10000. Along with that, most servic apts tend to include the utilities + cleaning service as well. Given this, i figured it would make more sense for me to get a serviced apt for S$5500 ish as opposed to a private one for S$ 4000. Please let me know if you disagree with my line of thinking.


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Post by dot dot dot » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 3:59 pm

Serviced appartments tend to be more expensive then the supposed 5500 per month, ate least when you want a 2 bedroom one. The argumentation given (fully furnished, electronics and better quality) is only partly true. Hifi is most of the time not present in a 'normal' condo appartment, but what does this cost you here in electronics heaven Singapore? Maybe a bout 1500 Sgd?

Quality is also not better in serviced appartments, the only added value would be the laundry services (even that is not always the case and will add substantially to the costs, as it is not free) and the cleaning.

For the latter, consider a part time maid and you will save substantial money.

I would in all cases just opt for a nice condo in the Orchard area for the 5500 sgd per month and get myself a part time maid, buy a TV and stereo and save money and have the same if not better quality.


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Post by G1234 » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 4:08 pm

Thanks. That really helps.

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Post by Wham » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 4:11 pm

ALSO, due to the surplus of apartments in Singapore, many owners of apartments deck them out nicely to compete with the Service Apartment sector. For example, i just saw an add in the newspaper for fully furnished brand new apartments for rent in the Carribean. This is not where i would chose to live, but just an example of what is on offer. I lived in two different service apts - Ascott and Great World City - and while each served nicely for the 5 or 6 weeks that i was there - i would not have wanted to stay longer.
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Post by G1234 » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 4:12 pm

Could you recommend some condos in the Orchard road area? Also, given that singapore is a reasonably small place, and the rates substantially drop as you move away from Orchard, is it really worth spending 25-50% more to be in prime location?

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Post by Wham » Wed, 21 Dec 2005 4:17 pm

Everyone is different so hard to say - BUT, if you are not going to have a car, it is nice to be in the Orchard area and not have to worry about cabbing around. I personally like the River Valley Road / Grange Road and/or Holland Village areas as they are central enough to be able to walk to town - but far enough from Orchard to be a little quiet. My advice to people moving here is to take a service apt for several weeks while you adjust and find what works for you.
"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man." Samuel Johnson

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