Maybe I should change the way I think when I see mainly local drivers changing lanes and turning without indicating, but then I would be deemed a racist and suffering from massive 'chip on shoulder' syndrome.Wham wrote:Am i alone in thinking that this is irritatingly arrogant self-centered egotistical behavior by a few westerners that think they are above the law? - or should i lighten up when i see people breaking what is really just a quality of life type of rule.
Isn't that the truth. Not only do they let them sh1t & pee everywhere they also can't be bothered to clean up behind them either. I've often wanted to drop kick a couple of Jack Russels, or better yet their owners!Bremen wrote:I see lots of local doing the same thing, especially in the HDB flats near where i live. They just let their dog run around freely to sh!t and pee everywhere, then when the dog's done the owners calls the dog back and they disappear.
OK I see a problem with it. What about people, kids etc who are frightened of dogs? Why do they need to feel intimidated by a free roaming dog who is not visibly under control of its owner? Also, are the owners watching it constantly and going to pick up its droppings wherever it does them whilst it is running free? Unlikely.ringo100 wrote:Now i'm not saying it should be on the streets and if there are dog parks they should be used but i've never seen one, they can’t be everywhere. I don’t see anything wrong with allowing a dog to run around in a public park, provide the owners are responsible.
Before everyone jumps down my throat here I totally agree with this, I have owned dogs before and I loved them dearly, one was an afghan who needed heaps of free roaming area, but if I was not in a place where I was absolutely sure she could not intimidate anyone (she was a total sop but also pretty big) in other words, a place with no other people or a designated dog park, then she was on the leash, same for my other dogs.I think I could never have a dog if I couldn’t let it run freely. In fact I believe dog owners who don't regularly walk and allow their dogs to run freely are neglecting their pets
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