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Wisdom Tooth Surgery

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Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Post by kitin82 » Thu, 01 Dec 2005 9:05 am

Anyone has done a wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore? How much does it cost for foreigners and any recommendation for a dentist? Thanx in advance.. :)

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Re: Wisdom Tooth Surgery

Post by Eustacia » Thu, 01 Dec 2005 4:39 pm

kitin82 wrote:Anyone has done a wisdom tooth surgery in Singapore? How much does it cost for foreigners and any recommendation for a dentist? Thanx in advance.. :)


I had 4 wisdom teeth removed.2 Surgery, 2 extracted done together in Mount. Elizabeth Hospital about 7 years ago. $3800-$4000 very expensive
Think u can consult neighbourhood dentist for your wisdom tooth.They are as good :girl:

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Post by patson » Thu, 01 Dec 2005 8:08 pm

well..I have done surgeries on my wisdom tooth and several other tooth as well but not in Singapore so can't tell about the prices there for sure. What you mean by surgery..I assume you want to go for a filling if the problems not much..if the prob is too much then only 2 options left either to go for a root canal or if even that's not possible then to have your tooth removed...I got a root canal on one of my tooth and filling on around 4-5 tooth. My mouth really filled up with all that fillings and stuff.. :???:
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Post by riversandlakes » Sat, 03 Dec 2005 6:01 am

Surgery is required to remove rotting wisdom teeth. They rot because they're still-born :(

I think my lower left wisdom tooth is dying soon :(
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Post by puffyfish » Sat, 03 Dec 2005 1:11 pm

I am a local....I have done wisdom tooth surgery and it cost about $500 for one....its at a local dentist.....

Its quite good as I felt no pain at all....

Not sure about the rates for foreigners....

Hope it helps! :D

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Post by kitin82 » Mon, 05 Dec 2005 4:52 pm

Sure that helps...Thanx... I've got a price from a private dentist:

$400 for the normal surgery of my left wisdom tooth

$450 for the more complex surgery of my right wisdom tooth coz it's a "sleeping buddha"

Do you think its reasonable or expensive?

*This is the most expensive tooths I've ever have* :???:

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Post by vanillacaramelfudge » Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:04 pm

my wisdom tooth extraction was a simple surgery done at ntuc denticare. i paid $50 for the x-ray and $290 for the extraction.

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Post by nonick » Mon, 12 Dec 2005 4:50 pm

Wisdom tooth can still pull out after it has grown from several years?

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Post by decaflatte » Thu, 15 Dec 2005 1:04 am

I did mine at Scotts Dental at Shaw Center with Dr Siow. Painless procedure. I think I paid ard 400-600 (cant recall the exact rate?) for the wisdom tooth surgery (so called complicated one for my bottom wisdom tooth), and ard 50-100 for the simple extraction (upper wisdom tooth)
Hope that helps. :wink:

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Post by riversandlakes » Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:36 pm

One of the things where luck rule supreme. If your wisdom teeth grew well, then they can be extracted no problemo. Seems like it has to be done sooner or later, because it's near impossible to brush them where they are.

However, when they don't grow properly - they rot anyway - then surgery is required - and the fortune bomb that ensues...
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Post by vandals » Sat, 24 Dec 2005 2:48 am

i always hear people say take out wisdom tooth damn pain..anyone has experiences to share?

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Post by Matney » Sat, 24 Dec 2005 5:36 am

Not everyone has the need to have them removed. I can only feel for those of you that have to have this procedure done. I'm pushing 50 and have never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. Maybe that explains why I'm not so wise! :???:

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Post by anjin-san » Sat, 24 Dec 2005 10:51 am

I had a wisdom tooth removed early last year. I wasn't looking forward to the visit to the dentist, but things really went well. The whole business of wisdom tooth removal being painful etc. is only when the tooth is badly grown, 'still born' etc. My tooth (lucky me!) was fully exposed and had grown beautifully. The dentist gave me a needle and popped the offending tooth out. Couldn't have been more than 5 minutes, and it cost very little - a basic extraction! Had a full breakfast the next day - experienced no pain whatsover.

I can only hope everyone else is as fortunate. I'd go mad on a liquid/soft diet. :o

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Post by riversandlakes » Wed, 28 Dec 2005 3:44 am

Aren't you a humble Matney :D
Matney wrote:Not everyone has the need to have them removed. I can only feel for those of you that have to have this procedure done. I'm pushing 50 and have never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. Maybe that explains why I'm not so wise! :???:
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