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by Candy » Tue, 06 Dec 2005 11:44 pm
Hello all, I am also in the same boat, so I hope that my experience might help you.
We have already arrived in Singapore and have also been trying to secure a placement for our sons, age 5 and 8. We are self employed and have to work within our budget to remain here. We are also base in the East coast, and unfortunately there aren't many schools around this area.
You are basically looking at Tanjong Katong Primary (lots of expats apparently, but i was not impress with the schools, or the way they handle my situation).
Toa Nan Primary, but this is considered a very desirable schools for the locals, so there are no chance for foriegners, plus they really are reknown for excelling in mother tongue.
Ngee Ann Primary, also a good school , so i've heard, althrough I have yet to find out more.
Opera Estate Primary, Impressive and also a good school. (I was turned away like a leper at this school, they really should teach their receptionist some manners).
St Stephens boys primary, also a very good school (also the most helpful and efficent of all the schools I have visited)
Haig girls school which I have no knowledge of since I have two boys.
I find most school offers little or no informations at all and all they will tell you if you call up is that there are no places available. The best thing you can do is basically turn up and bug them. Insist to have you child be place on their waiting list, and phone back and be persistent. Speak to the principle if you can, afterall she/he are the ones who have the final word on who gets in and who doesn't. Going on the phone doesn't work.
I got a call back from Tanjong Katong Pri to take my son in for an entrance exam, I thought at the time that he was going to get in, and it was just a matter of doing a test to see if he could read and write. How wrong I was! I turned up to see at least another 30 other foreign students there, all waiting to do the entrance exams, the school couldn't possibly have that many placements? Each parents queued up to pay for the examinations (I paid $60) and then proceeded to wait around with the other parents for the children to do the exams. 3 hours later the kids came out one by one totally exhausted!
I had to call back the school a week later to be told (very unpolitely) that my child did not make the placement. No reason was given. I was livid, afterall apart from the waste of time, it was mentally and phyically exhasting and all that just to find a place for my son to start school. The poor boy had to sit through 3 hours of examination for nothing! This really made me think about this schools ethics.
It is traumatic and the schools don't seem to take into the account the hardships parents have to go through. I understand that everything seems to be in limbo for you, because afterall the major hurdle for you would be to find a suitable school before looking for an area for your family to live. Unfortunately the only way is to go by foot or get an agent to do the search. Luckily for me my hard work and persisence paid off and I finally got a place at a school that wasn't too far away from us. I hope you will be able to find a school too.
Oh and before and after school cares at most centers are around $200-$300p/m. So not too bad, they will supervise homework, tea and snacks will be available as will showers and nap time. (All singaporean childrens have afternoon naps).