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by Mara » Tue, 15 Nov 2005 8:43 am
I had used baby sign language when my 3 year old daughter was a baby, and its absolutely rewarding. My only reference was Sign with Your Baby, a book/dictionary and video set I bought over amazon.com by Garcia. Another reference you might want to use is the Talking Hands video/DVD. Also bought over Amazon.com.
I learned the signs as I went along, and she started signing back at the age of 10 mos. A pretty long time to take coz I started teaching her at 6 mos. She at this age and until she started talking at 18 mos she signed for MILK, CHANGE DIAPERS, DOGGIE, BUTTERFLY, SLEEP, GIRL, BOY, DELICIOUS, MORE, PLEASE, THANK YOU, PAINFUL, BEE...and the list goes on. We had conversations before she could talk and it was amazing for me, as well as for her grandparents and our family. She had a vocabulary of about 100 signs...
The nicest experience was when we were having coffee in Starbucks, and she bumped into another little girl who knew sign! They said Hello and thank you to each other. So cute.
Please try to continue teaching her baby sign, and let us know how it goes.