Plastic bags is one thing, nappies are another matter...
These are UK facts on Nappies. Not aware of any research done here:
An estimated 8,000 000 disposable nappies are thrown away each day in UK.
The UK produces 800,000 tonnes of nappy waste each year at a cost of £40 m per year. This is equivalent to 3 billion nappies.
Real nappies will save you between £400 -£ 1000 compared with disposable nappies.
Disposable nappies make up 4% of all domestic waste in the UK
or 50% of household waste where nappies are used.
94% of disposable nappy waste ends up in landfill sites
Nappies are estimated to take 200 - 500 years to break down in landfill sites.
Real nappies accounted for 9.4% of the total UK market, which is worth an annual £560m.
Real nappies are made with natural fibres or cotton and have poppers or Velcro fasteners.