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Post by Dunk » Tue, 15 Nov 2005 4:53 pm

Plastic bags is one thing, nappies are another matter...

These are UK facts on Nappies. Not aware of any research done here:

An estimated 8,000 000 disposable nappies are thrown away each day in UK.
The UK produces 800,000 tonnes of nappy waste each year at a cost of £40 m per year. This is equivalent to 3 billion nappies.
Real nappies will save you between £400 -£ 1000 compared with disposable nappies.
Disposable nappies make up 4% of all domestic waste in the UK
or 50% of household waste where nappies are used.
94% of disposable nappy waste ends up in landfill sites
Nappies are estimated to take 200 - 500 years to break down in landfill sites.
Real nappies accounted for 9.4% of the total UK market, which is worth an annual £560m.
Real nappies are made with natural fibres or cotton and have poppers or Velcro fasteners.

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Post by jag78 » Wed, 16 Nov 2005 9:54 pm

Cheekybeek wrote:Uh huh I agree, but one thing worse is when getting off the MRT NO ONE stands clear of the doors- everyone tries to push on to the train even when I am carrying 10 bags of groceries. I find this rude and can't help myself but push through people to get off the train. Particularly annoying at Boonlay station where every passenger is trying to get off and the train waits at the station for more than 5 mins so no rush to get on is necessary.
Yeah, totally agree CB. When I was eight-months preggers, I remember trying to get off the train at Boon Lay (I think) and everyone rushing in at the same time. Perhaps a 'little' buggered because I had to stand for more than an hour the entire journey, and more than a little concerned for my baby, I glared at this young lady who was trying to shove me back into the train, her bag digging painfully into my very pregnant belly. Unconcerned, she continued pushing her way in. I said, "Do you mind?" and her reply was a confused look and a "No, I don't mind...why?" Gee, it was all I could do to keep from slapping some sense into her. :mad:

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Baron Greenback
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Post by Baron Greenback » Thu, 17 Nov 2005 12:37 pm

I do not get why locals laugh in the cinema at inappropriate moments, for example if someone dies.

More recently I went to see the Exorcism of Emily Rose & there is a scene where she is lying on the floor after a spasm & her limbs are contorted - much to the amusement of the cinema. Also I remember when I saw Lord of the Rings & Golem calls Sam a 'stupid fat hobbit'. "Fat" seems to be hilarious here, what am I missing?

insane? or just inane? :???:
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Post by madwolfie » Thu, 17 Nov 2005 12:59 pm

Baron Greenback wrote:I do not get why locals laugh in the cinema at inappropriate moments, for example if someone dies.

More recently I went to see the Exorcism of Emily Rose & there is a scene where she is lying on the floor after a spasm & her limbs are contorted - much to the amusement of the cinema. Also I remember when I saw Lord of the Rings & Golem calls Sam a 'stupid fat hobbit'. "Fat" seems to be hilarious here, what am I missing?

insane? or just inane? :???:
Yes yes, I experienced the same while I was watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose and I really wonder why...

Fat is shameful here [from my experience...], maybe... then please excuse me, need to go cry over it now... :( [boo hoo hoo..]

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Post by Rose_YG » Thu, 17 Nov 2005 5:24 pm

Baron Greenback wrote:I do not get why locals laugh in the cinema at inappropriate moments, for example if someone dies.

More recently I went to see the Exorcism of Emily Rose & there is a scene where she is lying on the floor after a spasm & her limbs are contorted - much to the amusement of the cinema. Also I remember when I saw Lord of the Rings & Golem calls Sam a 'stupid fat hobbit'. "Fat" seems to be hilarious here, what am I missing?

insane? or just inane? :???:

Agreed ... wrong sense of humour probably.. maybe they need subtitles for them to understand.. :wink:

And Baron Greenback .. maybe you should consider changing your avatar ..just in case if they laugh at it too :wink:
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Waffer Theen Meent
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Post by Waffer Theen Meent » Sun, 27 Oct 2013 8:10 pm

Just to add my tuppence-worth to the old plastic bag debate! Actually paper bags aren't any better - see this article: ... n-plastic/

Also, they didn't mention that paper bags are a lot heaver and thus more CO2 is released transporting them.

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