Hi all,
Sorry to bother you, but I am relocating from london to singapore in about a month, and this lovely web site has a few technical issues with searching for houses (i.e. it crashes ) so I'll ask the audience...
I would like to live by the beach somewhere, hopefully somewhere where I can windsurf and have a sea view, and would ideally like a 3 bed place (but beggars can't be choosers...). My budget can stretch to 5k Sing $ a month on rent, but (obviously) I would like to pay less. What would that get me in terms of apartment (I'm not worried about a Serviced Apartment, although I don't quite know what one of those is...)? Anything nice, a 3 befd place, or barely a studio flat? I don't mind being part of the expat areas or mixing with locals...
Also, how long are the rental agreements? I would prefer to have a 6 month rolling agreement, or are they just yearly ones?
Many many thanks to any info you can provide!