Top Ten Signs Your Kid Is Working With Al Qaeda
10. "Greets you every day with, 'Good morning, infidel'"
9. "Spent weekend at mall looking for back-to-school turbans"
8. "His paper route includes the mountainous Tora Bora region"
7. "Keeps mocking you for only having the one wife"
6. "Blind Sheik always coming over to play Grand Theft Auto on Xbox"
5. "You're getting gas for 12 cents a gallon"
4. "He's saving his allowance to buy a camel"
3. "Find yourself saying, 'No Al Jazeera 'til you finish your homework'"
2. "Bedroom is covered with posters of Lebron James and Ayman Al-Zawahiri"
1. "At dinner, angrily declares, 'Death to meatloaf
I had to post this one as well, after all - it was meatloaf night at my house last night...