MidnightBride wrote:What do you guys think of 3G?
<( 'o,' )> Both singtel & Nokia 6680<( 'o,' )>varun wrote:Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?
- V.
|iGhT`gA| wrote:<( 'o,' )> Since da day my bro & I bought a 3G fon, we tried using the Video calls everyday, but it alwaz appears "Network not
snip... /snip
2 da particular area 2 use video calls.. blah blah blah"<( 'o,' )>
|iGhT`gA| wrote:varun wrote:Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?
- V.
<( 'o,' )> Both singtel & Nokia 6680<( 'o,' )>
<( 'o,' )> Hee! Its ok thanz bro~I guess we jux have 2 buy time *Cheers*varun wrote:Can't help you with SingTel, mate. That said, for all 3 operators, this IS a completely new network. This means it's not an overlay on the old 2G networks but an all-new network with separate base stations and the works. All three will take time (probably 1 - 2 years) to get to a similar level of network quality as the 2G networks. In the meantime, some customers (myself included) won't get very good 3G signals in our homes.
|iGhT`gA| wrote:varun wrote:Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?
- V.
<( 'o,' )> Both singtel & Nokia 6680<( 'o,' )>
Yeah... Hey, is that cute kid in your signature yours? If so, you should check out this new service from M1, called M1 WebCam (see http://webcam.m1.com.sg/permodia/web/tour_01.jsp), which lets you watch over your home on your 2G / 3G mobile, using a standard PC and standard webcam, for as little as $3 pm. My wife uses it all the time and totally loves it.|iGhT`gA| wrote:
<( 'o,' )> Hee! Its ok thanz bro~I guess we jux have 2 buy time *Cheers*<( 'o,' )>
<( 'o,' )>varun wrote:Yeah... Hey, is that cute kid in your signature yours? If so, you should check out this new service from M1, called M1 WebCam (see http://webcam.m1.com.sg/permodia/web/tour_01.jsp), which lets you watch over your home on your 2G / 3G mobile, using a standard PC and standard webcam, for as little as $3 pm. My wife uses it all the time and totally loves it.|iGhT`gA| wrote:
<( 'o,' )> Hee! Its ok thanz bro~I guess we jux have 2 buy time *Cheers*<( 'o,' )>
- V.
We'll probably have HSDPA by then (like 3.5G - basically 3G, but a whole lot faster downstream) and then those issues...|iGhT`gA| wrote: <( 'o,' )>Haha How i wish he is mine too lolx, Im not married yet, only 22 tis yr.. long way 2 go. Might consider that when i little 1 is in my tummy hehe. I guess by den 3G wld b more stable haha
<( 'o,' )>
<( 'o,' )> Wah 3.5g, tts fast.. I dun tink i have da $ to kip upgrading n to kip up wif da fast spaced world. By den would have alrdy becum old womanvarun wrote:We'll probably have HSDPA by then (like 3.5G - basically 3G, but a whole lot faster downstream) and then those issues...|iGhT`gA| wrote: <( 'o,' )>Haha How i wish he is mine too lolx, Im not married yet, only 22 tis yr.. long way 2 go. Might consider that when i little 1 is in my tummy hehe. I guess by den 3G wld b more stable haha
<( 'o,' )>
<( 'o,' )> Wow tts really fast!! 3G might gain its stability by den.. lets wait 4 it denvarun wrote:Should be here in less than 2 years, actually. 3 at most. Leastways, that's my hunch based on publicly available information.|iGhT`gA| wrote:up wif da fast spaced world. By den would have alrdy becum old woman<( 'o,' )>
- V.
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