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Post by MidnightBride » Wed, 14 Sep 2005 4:49 pm

What do you guys think of 3G?
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Re: 3G

Post by KT » Fri, 16 Sep 2005 11:11 am

3G is working fine for me , i ve used it for high speed internet access by linking it up with my laptop using bluetooth , pretty decent performance... works well for VPN into corporate network , email and other resources. Internet browsing it not bad... twice the speed of 56k dialup infact.

I havent had the chance to use it for Video Calls so no idea on that.

One thing, data usage can get expensive so if you are planning on using it frequently it would be a good idea to compliment your current plan with unlimited data usage plan.
MidnightBride wrote:What do you guys think of 3G?
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Post by asiankiwi » Fri, 16 Sep 2005 12:11 pm

Most people I know on 3G are not complaining so far, but the phones do tend to be a tad pricy at the moment and since most of them are only 2nd - 3rd generation phones, I am not too sure how reliable they would be yet. I will possibly wait it out till next year (by then my dream phone, N70 would be out) :) My friends are using 3G a lot for the video conferencing, and they all loved it.
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Post by varun » Mon, 19 Sep 2005 12:01 pm

I work for a mobile operator so I guess I'm somewhat biased :D

The advantages, as I see them, as an end-user (and I shall claim my ID was hijacked if this is ever quoted...)

- if you use WAP even a bit, 3G makes it WAY faster AND cheaper (data rates on 3G are a fraction of the rates on GPRS, leastways with M1 and the red operator)
- MMS sending and receiving is much faster (if at all you use MMS...)
- video calling is cool (though I've yet to find a practical use in MY life - other than the fact that if you're on M1, M1-to-M1 video calls are free for the first few minutes, which means it's better to make a video call than to even send an SMS! (check the M1 site for current pricing... my information could be outdated)
- some good phones like the Sony Ericsson Z800i that are roughly the size and weight of "traditional" phones
- it's a separate network with not too many users at this time... my guess is we should see fewer network-unavailable issues on New Year's day! :wink:

It would be interesting to see what other folks have to say on this.

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Post by |iGhT`gA| » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 11:24 am

<( 'o,' )> Since da day my bro & I bought a 3G fon, we tried using the Video calls everyday, but it alwaz appears "Network not supported" Called the operator who told us, it was under maintenance. But few days passed da same ting happen. We were wondering, that it cant be that they are having maintence everyday rite ? Till i called again, dey told me that some areas are still not covered by 3G Network and ask for my address so that dey can feedback to their bosses. :???: & Ther goes my mum nagging "Den whats the point of having a 3G fon, when u hav 2 go 2 da particular area 2 use video calls.. blah blah blah" :mad: <( 'o,' )>

¤( -o,' )¤ JoLeNe aKa |iGhT`gA| ¤( 'o,- )¤

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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:06 pm

Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?


- V.
|iGhT`gA| wrote:<( 'o,' )> Since da day my bro & I bought a 3G fon, we tried using the Video calls everyday, but it alwaz appears "Network not

snip... /snip

2 da particular area 2 use video calls.. blah blah blah" :mad: <( 'o,' )>

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Post by |iGhT`gA| » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:08 pm

varun wrote:Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?


- V.
|iGhT`gA| wrote:<( 'o,' )> Since da day my bro & I bought a 3G fon, we tried using the Video calls everyday, but it alwaz appears "Network not

snip... /snip

2 da particular area 2 use video calls.. blah blah blah" :mad: <( 'o,' )>
<( 'o,' )> Both singtel & Nokia 6680<( 'o,' )>

¤( -o,' )¤ JoLeNe aKa |iGhT`gA| ¤( 'o,- )¤

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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:22 pm

Can't help you with SingTel, mate. That said, for all 3 operators, this IS a completely new network. This means it's not an overlay on the old 2G networks but an all-new network with separate base stations and the works. All three will take time (probably 1 - 2 years) to get to a similar level of network quality as the 2G networks. In the meantime, some customers (myself included) won't get very good 3G signals in our homes. :?
|iGhT`gA| wrote:
varun wrote:Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?


- V.

<( 'o,' )> Both singtel & Nokia 6680<( 'o,' )>

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Post by |iGhT`gA| » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:27 pm

varun wrote:Can't help you with SingTel, mate. That said, for all 3 operators, this IS a completely new network. This means it's not an overlay on the old 2G networks but an all-new network with separate base stations and the works. All three will take time (probably 1 - 2 years) to get to a similar level of network quality as the 2G networks. In the meantime, some customers (myself included) won't get very good 3G signals in our homes. :?
|iGhT`gA| wrote:
varun wrote:Which network are you on? And which handsets are you using?


- V.

<( 'o,' )> Both singtel & Nokia 6680<( 'o,' )>
<( 'o,' )> Hee! Its ok thanz bro~I guess we jux have 2 buy time *Cheers* :D <( 'o,' )>

¤( -o,' )¤ JoLeNe aKa |iGhT`gA| ¤( 'o,- )¤

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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:32 pm

|iGhT`gA| wrote:
<( 'o,' )> Hee! Its ok thanz bro~I guess we jux have 2 buy time *Cheers* :D <( 'o,' )>
Yeah... Hey, is that cute kid in your signature yours? If so, you should check out this new service from M1, called M1 WebCam (see, which lets you watch over your home on your 2G / 3G mobile, using a standard PC and standard webcam, for as little as $3 pm. My wife uses it all the time and totally loves it. :)


- V.

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Post by |iGhT`gA| » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:35 pm

varun wrote:
|iGhT`gA| wrote:
<( 'o,' )> Hee! Its ok thanz bro~I guess we jux have 2 buy time *Cheers* :D <( 'o,' )>
Yeah... Hey, is that cute kid in your signature yours? If so, you should check out this new service from M1, called M1 WebCam (see, which lets you watch over your home on your 2G / 3G mobile, using a standard PC and standard webcam, for as little as $3 pm. My wife uses it all the time and totally loves it. :)


- V.
<( 'o,' )> :wink: Haha How i wish he is mine too lolx, Im not married yet, only 22 tis yr.. long way 2 go. Might consider that when i little 1 is in my tummy hehe. I guess by den 3G wld b more stable haha :P <( 'o,' )>

¤( -o,' )¤ JoLeNe aKa |iGhT`gA| ¤( 'o,- )¤

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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:40 pm

|iGhT`gA| wrote: <( 'o,' )> :wink: Haha How i wish he is mine too lolx, Im not married yet, only 22 tis yr.. long way 2 go. Might consider that when i little 1 is in my tummy hehe. I guess by den 3G wld b more stable haha :P <( 'o,' )>
We'll probably have HSDPA by then (like 3.5G - basically 3G, but a whole lot faster downstream) and then those issues... :wink:

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Post by |iGhT`gA| » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:43 pm

varun wrote:
|iGhT`gA| wrote: <( 'o,' )> :wink: Haha How i wish he is mine too lolx, Im not married yet, only 22 tis yr.. long way 2 go. Might consider that when i little 1 is in my tummy hehe. I guess by den 3G wld b more stable haha :P <( 'o,' )>
We'll probably have HSDPA by then (like 3.5G - basically 3G, but a whole lot faster downstream) and then those issues... :wink:
<( 'o,' )> Wah 3.5g, tts fast.. I dun tink i have da $ to kip upgrading n to kip up wif da fast spaced world. By den would have alrdy becum old woman :cry: <( 'o,' )>

¤( -o,' )¤ JoLeNe aKa |iGhT`gA| ¤( 'o,- )¤

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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:50 pm

|iGhT`gA| wrote:up wif da fast spaced world. By den would have alrdy becum old woman :cry: <( 'o,' )>
Should be here in less than 2 years, actually. 3 at most. Leastways, that's my hunch based on publicly available information.


- V.

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Post by |iGhT`gA| » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 3:53 pm

varun wrote:
|iGhT`gA| wrote:up wif da fast spaced world. By den would have alrdy becum old woman :cry: <( 'o,' )>
Should be here in less than 2 years, actually. 3 at most. Leastways, that's my hunch based on publicly available information.


- V.
<( 'o,' )> Wow tts really fast!! 3G might gain its stability by den.. lets wait 4 it den :D <( 'o,' )>

¤( -o,' )¤ JoLeNe aKa |iGhT`gA| ¤( 'o,- )¤

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