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Nokia Care(less) Centre frustrations

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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 4:12 pm

Eric from the Netherlands wrote:
And yes, they are people, being employed, paid and trained by Nokia, having to enforce Nokia's way of servicing customers.

Actually, I think Nokia outsources their repair services to a third party. Used to be ACCS, which collapsed so dramatically when Nokia withdrew. Not sure who it is now. But, in general, there are NUMEROUS stories about poor service from their [dis]service company.

Here's mine (SonyEricsson though). Got a grey-market Z1010 in the early days of 3G. Pretty soon, it went semi-kaput: in zero-signal 3G zones, it sometimes wouldn't automatically switch over to the 2G network, which meant I was left with basically a brick that couldn't be used at all. Even turning the phone off and on wouldn't help. So I took it to SonyEricsson at Wisma Atria. Right off the bat they said they wouldn't honour the warranty as it wasn't purchased locally. Fine, I expected that, no problem, please go ahead and diagnose the problem. After two weeks, they call and say the "mainboard needs to be replaced". Shucks, I say, how much will that be? The answer?


And the phone, WITHOUT contract-subsidies, was selling at about 800 - 900 in the open market at that time, with a local warranty. Bizarre. 1200 to replace a part when a new phone cost less? WTF???

So I sent it to a business associate in Australia (as the phone was ostensibly still under warranty down under, that being the country of origin). After one month (!), Sony Ericsson returned the phone saying they couldn't find anything wrong with it. Holy cr*p! Look carefully, bozos, if it was okay I wouldn't have sent it all the way down, now would I?

So now I'm waiting for the return of my rather expensive paper-weight.

Moral of the day: don't buy a grey-market phone. At least not an expensive one.

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Post by riversandlakes » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 6:06 pm

what's a grey-market phone? one not sold by the authorized dealer?
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Post by varun » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 9:25 pm

Something like that; typically anything that's "unofficially" imported, manufacturer warranty privileges may not apply, etc.

In my case, the Z1010 was bought from 3 in Australia - I paid S$ 400 instead of the then prevailing price in excess of S$ 750. So that's S$ 400 worth of regrets for me... :mad:
riversandlakes wrote:what's a grey-market phone? one not sold by the authorized dealer?

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Post by riversandlakes » Thu, 22 Sep 2005 1:51 am

I see, in that case for Malaysia, I've heard that the grey-market phones are actually rejected phones from overseas giant carriers like Vodafone and O2.
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Post by varun » Thu, 22 Sep 2005 9:32 am

So many variations of this, there's no one fixed meaning. In general: unofficial import, applicable duties (if any) typically not paid, no local warranty.


- V.
riversandlakes wrote:I see, in that case for Malaysia, I've heard that the grey-market phones are actually rejected phones from overseas giant carriers like Vodafone and O2.

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Post by beenhere10years » Sun, 02 Oct 2005 3:17 pm

Its a curse really. I understand that now. I will die at the Nokia Care Centre -- years from now they'll find my petrified remains -- boney claw-like fingers clutching an ancient copy of Hello! with a cold Chai Latte at my feet.

Is there a worse place to spend time then the Nokia Care Center on a Monday morning?

Musn't grumble, its my daughter's phone a tomorrow is her birthday after all... Parenting is way, way. WAY more than I signed up for!
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Post by beenhere10years » Mon, 03 Oct 2005 5:13 pm

In and out of the Nokia Care Centre in 10 minutes today. A miracle! Only drawback was that the guy who helped me had on those creepy powder blue fake contact lenses. Took my breathe away for a minute...
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.

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Post by blue_jeans » Sat, 11 Jul 2009 12:44 am

Hi there,

I realized Nokia nowadays sucks, in terms of product and service.

First, I bought a E63 a week plus ago, everything worked fine. A week later, I did a software update at home, and that is where my nightmare starts.

The original applications in the phone all been wiped out, like the email I set up, MSN, windows live, even facebook, all of them are gone. The next day, I brought it to the service centre to request for a restore, they did another firmware flashed for me. Unfortunately, I didn't double check the phone, but only asked them, is everything fine? They said yes.

After I got home, tried to set it up with my email and so, then I realized all applications still missing. I made a call to their service centre, which directed me to Philippines, physically someone answered my call from Philippines. A lady office attended to me, and asked me some question, couldn't get it worked. She said she will get the technician to call me back in 2 hours time, of course, no calls from them after 3 hours. I made another call to the local number, which directed me to Philippines again. Another girl answered. I repeated my problem once again, still can't work.

I was quite pissed already, in the first place, if the update will wipe out everything, user should be prompted something like "user at their risk for the flashing, as might experience application lost", cos from what I understand about hardware update, it will only wipe out your data not the applications. I talked to their centre manager, besides saying sorry and sorry, she couldn't advise me anything else. And they also said will get someone to call me back on this issue and get it fixed, but few days already, I didn't receive any calls, neither email.

I am not sure if others experienced the same while doing the update, but for me, I am rather unhappy with the phone, the so-called online updates, and their service. All negative rating. If go on like this, I think they will lose their market shares soon.

dot dot dot wrote:
On the way home I bought myself another phone, as a priciple I will no longer use Nokia, I changed to a Motorola V3 (as if that would help... :wink: ).

Thanks all for sharing your experiences!

I will see if I get a repaired phone or a new phone next week...


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Post by jpatokal » Sat, 11 Jul 2009 10:14 am

blue_jeans wrote:I realized Nokia nowadays sucks, in terms of product and service.
Nokia is like democracy: it's the worst phone out there, except all the others :P

Seriously, there are major differences between individual phones and the very latest models tend to have buggy software. Stay a year or two behind the curve, and they get much better: eg. my Nokia 6110 Navigator is absolutely rock solid. While no company is perfect, in my experience others, especially SonyEricsson, tend to be even worse.
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Post by bigfilsing » Sat, 11 Jul 2009 2:34 pm

radical but a solution never the less.

1/ Get your noki-eric-sam-Htc and bin it
2/ go to the gas station and buy an 80 dollar contractless phone.

If theres ever a problem simply repeat steps 1 & 2

The saving in time, frustation and general grief at the service centre is worth it.

Do i need push pop wizz bang email, internet on the go. Do i want email at my bed side. Do i want overseas clients ringing me at 4 am because i didn't respond to their email in a nano second.
Enough :mad:
My current phone is a cheap piece of crap. But it always works and i love it

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Re: Nokia Care(less) Centre frustrations

Post by ksl » Sat, 11 Jul 2009 2:51 pm

Anonymous wrote:
Eric from the Netherlands wrote:3 weeks ago I brought in my Nokia 6260 for repair, SD memory card was no longer recognized and lcd screen was dark.

So I bring it to the Nokia Care Center at Wheelock, after queuing for about 45 minutes I was serviced by a friendly agent. It would take 3 - 5 days to repair, I would be called when ready. Sounds ok.

After 1 week I was around, so went in and asked about status repair. No one had a clue, records could not be found first, but after 20 minutes, the care center manager assured me I would get a call next week, no problem sir.

Last week, no call. This week, no call. Tried calling them a few times at their 'service' number, no information.

Needless to say I am totally fed up with this total lack of decent and helpful service provided.

Does anyone here experienced the same or does anyone here have suggestions on how to handle this? Any escalation points, or where can I make a complaint and be sure this is taken serious?

Thanks in advance,


I had the same kind of service problem, when i took my minolta camera, to have the lens recalibrated. cost me a hundred $ after 1 month of waiting, when it arrived, i got home and tested the camera, it appeared, they had done nothing! Maybe thinking i was a tourist and would leave.

I took it back to the shop, and complained, they sent the camera off again, and it took 3 days, went to collect and they wanted a 100$, I kept my cool and told them, to kiss my arse. They had been paid once already.

I took the camera out of the guys hand and walked out. The best thing you can do Eric is to raise your voice a little and demand action. If they have lost the phone you will have to be compensated.
This happend to me too, same camera problem on the old film camera, same price and also tried to charge me twice, I gave them the same response and took my camera out of his hand.

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Re: Nokia Care(less) Centre frustrations

Post by sco1984 » Sun, 19 Jul 2009 11:03 am

dot dot dot wrote:3 weeks ago I brought in my Nokia 6260 for repair, SD memory card was no longer recognized and lcd screen was dark.

So I bring it to the Nokia Care Center at Wheelock, after queuing for about 45 minutes I was serviced by a friendly agent. It would take 3 - 5 days to repair, I would be called when ready. Sounds ok.

After 1 week I was around, so went in and asked about status repair. No one had a clue, records could not be found first, but after 20 minutes, the care center manager assured me I would get a call next week, no problem sir.

Last week, no call. This week, no call. Tried calling them a few times at their 'service' number, no information.

Needless to say I am totally fed up with this total lack of decent and helpful service provided.

Does anyone here experienced the same or does anyone here have suggestions on how to handle this? Any escalation points, or where can I make a complaint and be sure this is taken serious?

Thanks in advance,

Nokia is going worste over all world wide in Support.
in India also it takes 1 hour to submit Nokia phone and they take atleast 15 days to order, replace part and give back.

An more funny is the same problem reoccurs too.
I am never a Nokia customer though. I am curently happy with Asus P320
Earlier I had Siemens mobile. Not so famous but stable.


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