I've been working in Singapore as since May on an EP. The company I worked for has just gone bust and now I am really worried about being able tostay here. The company has refused to pay my last month's salary, claiming they cant afford it now. The other staff and I had one day's notice of the situation (of course it was the day before pay day

I am going to the MOM this week to let them know, as I dont want to get kicked out of the country and my last conmpany are probably too lazy to cancel my EP. At first I thought this was a good thing, but I want to do things the right way, rather than sneak around and stay here illegally.
What are the chances that Immigration will give me a grace period to find another job, rather than just the 2 weeks they usually give upon cancellation of an EP to remove yourself from the country? This is a very stressful situation and any advice would be greatly appreciated.