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Grace period

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Used and Abused

Grace period

Post by Used and Abused » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 4:09 pm

Hi I was hoping someone would have some advice.

I've been working in Singapore as since May on an EP. The company I worked for has just gone bust and now I am really worried about being able tostay here. The company has refused to pay my last month's salary, claiming they cant afford it now. The other staff and I had one day's notice of the situation (of course it was the day before pay day :o ), so we had no idea this was going to happen. There doesnt seem to be any laws here regarding employee rights, I am totally baffled at how this could happen. They owe me my pay from August and also accrued leave.

I am going to the MOM this week to let them know, as I dont want to get kicked out of the country and my last conmpany are probably too lazy to cancel my EP. At first I thought this was a good thing, but I want to do things the right way, rather than sneak around and stay here illegally.

What are the chances that Immigration will give me a grace period to find another job, rather than just the 2 weeks they usually give upon cancellation of an EP to remove yourself from the country? This is a very stressful situation and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks :cry:

Used and Abused

Post by Used and Abused » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 8:06 pm

Thank you so much to the person who changed the title of this thread for me, much appreciated :D

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Post by Vaucluse » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 8:55 pm

Yuck, yuck and triple yuck. What a shitty position to be in, my sympathy. Was it a Singaporean company or foreign? This may have some bearinga s to what you can do or expect.

From what I hear and understand MoM is quite stringent and it's two weeks - try to play the 'want to clear things up with the company' bit rather than that you have no money.

Hope it works out for you.

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Post by Bee » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 10:42 pm

Hi it's me Bee, I'm actually a member here but forgot I my password! After sifting through emails I found it :oops: I am 'Used and Abused' who started the thread.

Thanks Vaucluse, I appreciate that. I guess all I can do is tell the truth and hope for the best. It was a Singaporean company that I worked for - does this make it better or worse?

You are right, it is a shitty situation, the worst I have ever encountered in all my years of working. I can't understand why there are no rights here for employees, or any protection from such shit.

My partner is here working on a 2 year contract (1 year to go) but as we are not married it seems that renders us helpless.

I will definitley play the 'want to clear things up card' as opposed to the 'have no money' one. Thanks again, I'm going to MOM on Thursday with other people from work so I'll let you know how I go. :)

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Carpe Diem
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Post by Carpe Diem » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:11 pm

I think you made the right decision. Go and talk.
MOM is run by people who have feelings. I have been through different situations -not as difficult as this one though- and always talked to them in person. It worked quite well so far.

All the best.
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Post by Vaucluse » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 8:49 am

CD makes a point - hope you get a Mensch to talk to. Good luck.

'nuff said Image

another guest

Post by another guest » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 8:36 pm

Can't help with advice about your redundancy but if you are the female half of a long term couple and can show evidence of a long term relationship, you may qualify for a long term social visit pass to give you some breathing space to find a new job. Not sure if it works if you're the bloke. Anyway best of luck in a rotten situation and hope you get some of your money back.

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Post by Bee » Tue, 13 Sep 2005 5:09 pm

OK the update is that I went to MOM last Thursday and filed the complaint along with many other staff from my old work. I drew the fact of my EP to their attention and they said that my ex-employer had not cancelled it and it was all cool until they did. I was amazed.

They gave us a hearing yesterday, which was basically a confirmation of our details and what the outstanding pay for us all was. There is another follow up hearing in the Labour courts next month.

I have to say I have found the staff of the MOM very helpful, at least there is one good thing to come of all this crap. :(

As for the pay situation, still not a cent :mad:

Thanks to everyone for their advice, I hope no one else finds themselves in this situation. And to 'another guest' - yep I am the female half of a long term couple so thanks muchly for your advice.

I'll keep you all posted :wink:

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Carpe Diem
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Post by Carpe Diem » Tue, 13 Sep 2005 5:16 pm

Bee wrote: I have to say I have found the staff of the MOM very helpful, at least there is one good thing to come of all this crap. :(
That's the feeling I had before, hence the reason for advising you to talk to them.
Back in France such organizations are usually run by a bunch of lazy and impolite people, who make you feel almost guilty of what happens.
It must be because you make them busy I guess...

Hope you can sort this out properly!
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Post by riversandlakes » Tue, 13 Sep 2005 5:58 pm

It's good to know MOM is helpful...
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