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by sapphire » Thu, 08 Sep 2005 4:22 pm
I'm sorry but there's nothing remotely cute about geckos! They are ugly creepy crawlies who hound me like I'm their best pal!
I managed to squeeze one in the door hinges and it stayed alive minus its tail. Most horrifying! I was petrified watching the tail wiggle and the gecko alive and crawling at a leisurely pace. Not to mention I was alone at home. Panicked and called my hubby in Tokyo - "What do I do???". He's all - "Umm...I'm not really sure how I can help sitting in Tokyo!" So, I gathered courage and liberally sprayed Baygon at both parts of the creepy crawlie. Watched till it died. Woke up next morning, waited for the maid to get rid of the stiffened creepy and only then did I breathe normally!
Sorry if it sounds cruel, but hey they don't belong in a highrise, definitely not in my house!
BTW, strange but true, peacock feathers keep them away.
It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you.