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Relief for Menstrual Cramp?

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Relief for Menstrual Cramp?

Post by Relief » Sun, 04 Sep 2005 8:38 pm

Hi ladies,

Do you have any natural relief for Menstrual cramps? I suffer from bad cramps and have to take painkillers at least for the 1st day of each mth. I've very low tolerance for pain. Sometimes the painkillers don't work well too. Wondering you have any experiences to share that will relieve the pain.

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Post by cinder » Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:33 pm

Do regular exercises. I do jogging at least once a week, but sometimes I didnt do it (at all or less regularly) because of work etc., and the following period most likely would be accompanied by cramp and lethargic feeling.


Post by SiLrain » Sun, 04 Sep 2005 10:43 pm

Hmm.. what i used to do is to have a pail of boiled water and a piece of cloth and place it on my abdomen for a few minutes. The pain will lessen much after.. You can try this method see whether it helps...


Post by Relief » Mon, 05 Sep 2005 1:56 pm

Thanks for your replies. Will try them. Hope it will help...

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Post by shirllin » Mon, 05 Sep 2005 2:45 pm


I used to have bad menstrual cramps like u and need to take many painkillers but after exercising regularly like what cinder did not hurt that much anymore....another thing need to note that prevent drinking cold drinks.....try to drink(warm or at room temperature) drinks as much as possible(all the time).....another would be a hot/cold pack.....u could get them at pharmacy.....alternatively lavender(or any other which u like) beans pack whcih can get at those aromatic therapy shops....warm it up and put at the abdomen like what Silrain says.....that will relieve the pain too.....

Hope fully those above will help to ease your pain....

God Bless,
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Post by Relief » Tue, 06 Sep 2005 11:02 pm

hi shirllin,
thanks for your suggestions. will try it!

btw, for use of the hot pack, i suppose can only use it at home? just thinking, if working, a bit of a problem...

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Post by expatlady » Wed, 07 Sep 2005 10:31 am

Major causes of PMS is hormonal imbalances – excessive estrogen & inadequate amount of progesterone. So I was advised to take Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) i.e. Omega 6 fatty-acids it can relieve PMS where as combine together with Omega 3 fatty-acids is to regulate and balance the hormonal levels.

So go get your EFA.

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hi ther....

Post by jasonrxz » Thu, 08 Sep 2005 1:05 am

Hi there... u can try to take PRIMROSE OIl tablets... or in capsules...

It's good for regulating the flow and reduces cramps.. It's all from experience when my wife had those in the past but not now anymore...



Re: Relief for Menstrual Cramp?

Post by Guest » Thu, 08 Sep 2005 5:30 pm

Relief wrote:Hi ladies,

Do you have any natural relief for Menstrual cramps? I suffer from bad cramps and have to take painkillers at least for the 1st day of each mth. I've very low tolerance for pain. Sometimes the painkillers don't work well too. Wondering you have any experiences to share that will relieve the pain.
you need EPO, Omega 3 and Calcium/Mag (2 in 1)


Post by Guest » Sun, 11 Sep 2005 10:06 am

:D can try drinkin Rose Tea,,,
very effective!


Post by Guest » Sun, 11 Sep 2005 7:53 pm

Have more sex. It will help to relieve the cramps. Kind of hard to do at work though so only suggest trying while at home :D



Post by Guest » Sun, 11 Sep 2005 7:57 pm

I use the 'Rui Yi you' ( Yu Yi brand). Sold at most pharmacies and supermarkets, less than $2 but relieves my stomaches and cramps.

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Post by dyslexic_alien » Fri, 16 Sep 2005 1:31 pm

somehow i will try to avoid grapefruit juice and/or pineapple juice and/or beer just a few days before and during my period.

Im a big fan of pineapple juice and grapefruit juice all the time, so sometimes its just so sucky that i have to forgo them, especially during breakfast, for those days.

hmm, the thing is, if u are comfortable, u can try taking oral contraceptives.

me and my galpal took them not for contraceptive purposes, but for making our periods less heavy and less painful.

my goodness, it really worked for me! and on top of that, my complexion improved tremedously and hahah, somehow my bra size increased! LOL!

She bought them in bulk and so she might be able to sell it to u at a cheaper rate compared to the pharmacies. Just let her noe that u got to noe bout it from expat forum in the email subject.

hey if u are interested, u may email her at [email protected]

Good luck!

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Re: Relief for Menstrual Cramp?

Post by kk_lass » Tue, 20 Sep 2005 12:42 am

Relief wrote:Hi ladies,

Do you have any natural relief for Menstrual cramps? I suffer from bad cramps and have to take painkillers at least for the 1st day of each mth. I've very low tolerance for pain. Sometimes the painkillers don't work well too. Wondering you have any experiences to share that will relieve the pain.
Hi, i used to have bad cramps .. take MC every mth!! I have resorted to take panadol for cramps, bai feng wan, primose oil .. has its effectiveness at certain time only but as a result it incurrs other side effects which i dun really like..

Until someone introduces me to this form of treatment.. which i think it is very effective .. at least fo me. Been trying it for sometime now.. have been quite happy with the results. It is using essential oil .. application on the lower abodemen .. and plus aromatheraphy .. And i love the smell.. makes me feel romantic too! haha kill 2 birds in a stone.. :D
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Post by kk_lass » Wed, 21 Sep 2005 1:12 am

Actually doctors told me.. that menstrual cramps can get better when you r married.. esp when you have kids.. How true it is ? I am not sure .. maybe wait till i get a bf, get married, have children.. then i have the right to comment on this.. :wink:

Perharps others who have similar experiences.. can share..

I do heard of ladies.. who have reverse experiences.. They dun have mense cramps all these while .. only when they got married and have kids.. then they start to have mense cramps.. strange..
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