Good for you. For those of you out there, it is a change in lifestyle, healthy lifestyle. When we adopt a healthy lifestyle, our body has self-healing power. Keep up the good work.yogi_angel wrote:Hi, I had the same problem as you too last year.
I'm a regular practioner of yoga so it should be strange that why i'm still feeling tired and lethargic even after my yoga sessions. It was only until I visted "Natural Therapies"and that was where I found out the actual truth of my why I'm feeling so tired all the time. And besides feeling tired,
I also had eczema and digestion problems for more than 3 years. I've been to many clinics and doctors but none of them worked. I even tried taking some health problems and supplements which I thought to be good for my body. But none of them proved results.
And then I happened to come across this place called Natural Therapies.
At Natural Therapies, doctor told me I had mercury poisoning, parasites in my body, poor gut system, weak gall badder function,liver congestion & allergy to wheat! Oh boy, it had NEVER came across my mind that such things would happen to me & my body! oh my god, can I be cured??After much explanation from the doctors and therapist, I began to have a clear idea of the causes of my problems. It was my lifestyle & my eating habits that caused all these.
The initial stage of treatment was like hell for a "self-declared" gourmet like me. I love food and can't resist all good foods. But in order to get the toxics out of my body, I had to follow a strict eating regime instructed by the doctor which includes avoiding all those foods that will make my food weak. All those foods were detected by a special machine at the centre. After 2 weeks or so (for my case), I began to feel less tired, I don't yawn that often during work anymore.
Then slowly I start to eat a more variety of foods and after 6 months of treatment, I really feel very very good, probably not as good as I was 3 years ago, when i was younger but definitely my fatigue problems, eczema problems and digestion problems have improved. I'm happy with the results and I'm still under treatment. Though the treatments + medications can be quite costly, they proved results and the reasons why I choose there was because all medications are natural herbs and plants products, nothing harmful and damaging to our body.
I'm not trying to advertise for N.T or whatsoever but I was amazed by the results of the tests and analysis that they did for me. Through the treatments, I learn more about my body and how I should take care of my health and not take it for granted.
Sorry for the long posting, I could have written in more details but this posting will get even longer.
Just to share what I have learn during this 1 year of treatment:
1) Never never overeat.
2) Never never eat supper and sleep immediately
Liver is an inportant organ for removing toxics and poisons from our body. Take good care of it. So is our gut system.
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