Well, for myself, I breastfed my son until he was 22 months old. For me, It felt totally normal. For my family members that were a little put off, I reminded them that the American Acedemy of Pediatrics recommends nursing your child until minimum 1 yr. The World Health Organization recommends nursing your child until 2 years of age. And I made sure I surrounded myself with people (other moms) who felt the same way. This is when support groups are so crucial.
As for being asked *not* to nurse, it's actually illegal in the U.S. to be asked to *not* nurse (I'm happy to look for the article for you, to support my statement). However, if it's private
property, anything goes (or doesn't) I believe. My feeling has always been to respect others. I knew that many people were uncomfortable with it (in public), so I never *whipped it out* for all to see.
I still did it everywhere in public, but
My advice to nervous/hesitant moms would be:
a) Decide what kind of parenting style makes most sense to you
b) Educate yourself! People will be quick to debate with you why your way is not the right way. It will make your life easier if you can support your side with actual research.
c) Choose a pediatrician and Midwife (or OB) who support your vision
d) Surround yourself with a strong support base (support groups, mommy groups who have same pareting philosophy, etc.)