Singapore Expats

what schools does expats go to?

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what schools does expats go to?

Post by parent » Sun, 28 Aug 2005 10:56 am

Tanjong Kationg Primary school was in the strait times for having a large amount of foreign students. I've tried to get my son into this school as it was the closest to our home, but we were not successful. So, you have to bear in mind that even if you do select a school that you think might be suitable, its a good chance that you won't be able to enrol into this school, since they do give priority to singaporeans. However, visit the schools give them your details, put yourselves in their waiting list. Unfortunately, the schools here are far harsher then our schools back home. My son gets a lot of slack for getting things wrong, like for example wearing the wrong shoes on his first day, or forgetting to hand in his homework because he didn't understand his teacher.
Try to get as much details as you can from the schools, concerning their uniforms, events, days off etc..The schools will not issue letters to parents for everything, and you are expected to know your dates and times of events, otherwise your child will miss out. Although I disagree with some of their education systems, ( the children only have one break for the whole day, which only last for 30mins, that doesn't leave them much time to eat let alone play.)
But our children are still young enough to adapt. And in the long run it would benefit them to intergrate with other children of different culture. Be prepared to have them to work harder in their younger years. But don't worry too much.

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