felicityue -
So sorry!
I've already forgotten what life is like w/a toddler (or baby).
It's easier for me - - my son doesn't nap during the day anymore, so there's zero risk of him falling asleep on me. Also, he's old enough that the few times I have to ask him to get out of the stroller (i.e., there's stairs, or we're getting into a taxi) he's old enough to understand the reason, and is 99% of the time agreeable to it.
Is your daughter light? Have you tried a sling? When my son was younger I used a sling to carry him everywhere. It left my hands pretty free, and he loved it of course, 'cause he was being carried. Or how 'bout a baby backpack? Again, he liked it 'cause he had a bird's eye view of everything.
Also, for around $5 delivery fee, you can order your groceries from Cold Storage (
http://www.coldstorage.com.sg/mall/). I've had pretty good luck with them. They've even done a pretty good job picking out the veggies & fruits I ordered. For me, the delivery has been awesome! That's just one less thing I've gotta drag my kid to.
And once I factor in the MRT fee, the taxi back (I don't drag all my bags of groceries onto the MRT), and the time spent, the $5 is a BARGAIN for me.
I don't know if you still nurse your daughter (or ever did), but the La Leche League can be a wonderful source of support (even if you don't breastfeed). The moms in those groups tend to be more into baby wearing (i.e. sling or backpack) and *may* have used ones to buy, or even borrow. They also may have additional helpful suggestions for getting around with a little one. The Singapore LLL website is:
These are certainly not cure-alls, I understand. But every little irritation that can be eased will help in the transition process. It's a lot more difficult to enjoy or embrace a move to a new country when everything seems so difficult. I hope things get better for you. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.