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by dot dot dot » Wed, 24 Aug 2005 11:58 am
We brought our European stuff over here, when we moved back from Holland to Singapore.
The funny thing is, most washing machines here (the 'local' brands) are bigger sized than our Euopean ones. We have for example a (German) Brandt 6kg washing machine, whereas my Singaporean inlaws have a 7.5kg Samsung (or alike brand, not sure).
I'd say for the washing machine, most Europeans are used to a 5kg one, larger is not that common in Europe. But since here in Singapore you will do far more laundry (climate hot and humid), it is imho more important to get a good quality one, so not a local cheap stuff promotion. SPend the money on quality, not on size.
Dishwashers are not easy to get here, I know Siemens and Miele have very good ones, you can order and import if needed.
Dryer, same story, take a good one! We have a Brandt as well, imho the best one can get, but not easy to find here.
Fridge? Buy a Samsung or alike, they have huge sizes and are half the price of the European brands. Here the quality of the Japanese, Korean brands is very good as well.