Hi Peterrishka, the average pay crew takes back is more than 2K/mth with an average of 14 working days/mth. There will transport allowance for certain timing i guess plus i heard it offers the most AL leaves than what other airlines r offering which is more than 21 days and abv.peterrrishka wrote:how much per month does crew in TR earn on average
what is the roster like - how many days a month do u work.
is there transport allowance
when is the next recruitment
what is the leave benefits - 14 or 21?
Miniuim 2 sectors and max 4 sectors,there are no longer 3sectors. We'll only be paid aft the chocks on(when e aircraft takes off) & chocks off(when e engine is off).peterrrishka wrote:thanks for the reply...
wondering when is the next recruitment.
how many sectors do u cover per day - 3 sectors?
basic is how $
flight pay per hour ?$
rostered at least 90 hours right?
how early do u need to report for briefing - 2 hours? are you paid only when chocks on/off and not during pre-flight briefing?
no layovers i know
probation period how long - 3 month 6 month?
do they still do the security deposit thing - or bond ?
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