ive always wondered if liposuction was a good way to lose weight..
sucking out fats is not a natural thing to do...
would the body react adversely..like store fats to replace those lost.. or tend to store more easily from what we eat etc..?
you know, stuff like that..
afterall, liposuciton is a rich person's quick fix..
but it doesnt guarantee maintenance..
and if you want it to last.. you still have to do it through proper nutrition and exercise.
as for whether there is a tendency to gain fat more easily after liposuction is done.. i really don't know..
on top of all these, liposuction is a surgery.. and with all surgery.. there are risks.. not to mention pain.. and cost.
ive tried losing weight.. but always end up on terrible binges and weight gain.. especially since ive gone overseas to pursue my tertiary education.
so.. im not ruling out liposuction.. but probably only if its really safe and effective.. and after i graduate and have moeny.