hi,i would like to share with everyone for this product.I tried this product.My friend's sister was trying it too.The brand is a MLM company..Maybe some of u think i am trying to sell the product ,but in fact i am not..i just want to share the experience to all of u.
1st problem : Dr Xeniji(not sure anyone heard this before)those product is quite good as it help to remove colon,constipation n detox.i had a serious constipation,i even tried consult a doctor n consume the medicine ,it worked but after a few weeks back to square.I tried other brand too like Hunza,herbalife.But wont works.i believe this brand n E-Excel but E-excel is quite expensive though.
2nd problem : Slimming problem(product using Dr Diet).i used to be fat n i manage to slim down but back to square again(yo-yo effect).My sister also tried a lot of slimming centre like Sensualite,cenosis,prettislim,jamu massage.She spent $15k but no results.So i recommended her this product.I ask her to try and if doesnt work out,i paid for the product and also she must follow my instructions to consume the product.So after one week she lost 3kg.So i ask her to continue til 1 month.So eventually she lost up to 10kg.After 2 months she stopped for the product,she lost another 3kg.
My upline costomer lost 13kg in 1 month..Depends on our individual metalboslim.
3rd problem: Small Breast , i used to be A cup,i bought the bra set and i start to wear it.The bra set must wear it for more than 3 months u can see the result.So i from A- to B+-.i am contented with it.The bra set is made in japan
Note : the product can consum as long term or short term..depends on yrself..for me i just started the programme not long ago.no side effects as it is recommended by doctors and i do a lot of research.
honestly the program cost $1600 -->>bra set $1300++ and the slimming programme is $300++.can paid by installment..Maybe some of u said is expensive but compared to slimming centre is cheaper.
my personal view : i consume herbalife ,in the end i having constipation,fast heart beat,easily get sick..so i stop.Then i consume Huazun product,i get diarrohea(pooing was stink n sticky bowel movement)
anyone interested or feel like trying or any questions .pls put yr email here and i would like to give u more details..