Hi! I'm planning to do the operation to cure my myopia. Will i become blind? Is it dangarous??
Please give me suggestion! THx a Lot!
seasider wrote:You mean Lasik? Every operation has its risks. I had its predecessor, PRK, ten years ago and I am still very happy with my eyesight. Still legal to drive. I have numerous friends who have had Lasik, both here and in the UK, and all are very happy. I thoroughly recommend it, it really can be life-changing.
However you sound like you haven't really researched this. Your eyes are so important, you should do so and only go ahead if you are convinced it is for you. My friends here went to Jerry Tan at Camden Medical Centre; he is said to be the best, if not the cheapest. Don't risk your eyes just to save a few dollars.
I do know somebody who went to Thailand to save money and had complications. They could happen anywhere but IMO it's better for them to happen close to home so you don't have to keep travelling.
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